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Two farmers and child at sunset
Farm Family Safety and Health Workshop  Revised edition

Chapter 3: Selecting Your Location

Size of Facility

The size of your facility depends primarily on the expected attendance. A small program for 30 people would fit comfortably in a high school classroom and/or adjacent shop. Larger programs require more seating space, and more room for spectators during demonstrations. Experience has shown that attendance at farm safety programs generally attract 25 to 100 people. It is safer to err on the side of too much room than too little, but putting 25 people in an auditorium designed to seat 500 will cause the participants to feel too isolated from the speaker and each other .


Generally, most farm safety programs, even children's workshops, consist of at least some "classroom" type instruction. If the entire group is to be assembled, be sure to have seating available for everyone. For short programs in a machinery shed or fairground barn, even bales of straw make acceptable seating, especially for kids.

Demonstration Locations

Many workshops use a rotating format, where the participants are split into groups and move from one demonstration or "module" to another. Each unit may last from 10 to 30 minutes. For this type of program, you must have suitable locations for each of your speakers, along with seating for the number of people expected for each group. For this format, consider the types of demonstrations or equipment required, and allow space between each "module" so they will not interfere with one another.

Accessibility for Individuals with Disabilities

The workshop location should be accessible to everyone in the community, including those with disabilities. Make a visit to the potential site to assure that it is accessible to those who might have mobility impairments. This would include making sure there are accessible entrances, restroom facilities and demonstration areas. You may also want to consider the needs of attendees who have hearing or visual impairments.

If you have questions concerning accessibility, contact your local disability coalition, Easter Seal Society affiliate, or write to the USDA AgrAbility Project, Breaking New Ground (BNG) Resource Center at
Purdue University
Ag & Biological Engineering Department
225 S. University Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2093

You can call BNG toll free at 1-800-825-4264.

Site Safety

Prior to selection of the site, a site visit should be made to assess the overall safety of the facilities to be used and any potential hazards that might be present. For example, if you are expecting 50 cars to be parked, is there ample parking space without requiring participants to park along side of the road? If livestock is kept at the property can it be secure? Are there dogs that may need to be kept isolated from participants? Can all toxic materials such as agricultural chemicals be secured?

Last updated: 18-May-2006 11:08 AM