Wu Group


Graduate student Ruoxing Wang won the Peer Choice Award for her poster on stretchable smart skin during the Purdue Industrial Engineering Graduate Student Organization (IEGSO) Research Symposium. Congratulations!
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Wenzhuo serves as one of the organizers at MRS Spring 2017 Meeting at Phoenix, AZ, “Nanogenerators and Piezotronics”. Wenzhuo also gives a tutorial on piezotronics. It is so exicting to meet many old and new friends!
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Wenzhuo gives an invited talk about 2D piezoelectric semiconductors at Department of Physics, Florida International University. Thanks for the invitation!
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Wenzhuo gives an invited keynote talk about 2D piezo-phototronics during the East Lake International Forum for Outstanding Overseas Young Scholars at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan. It is so great to meet many old friends! Thanks for giving me this precious opportunity!
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Wenzhuo gives an invited talk about 2D piezotronics at Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, the University of Akron. Thanks for the invitation!
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Graduate students Shengjie and Min join our group. Welcome!
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Wenzhuo gives an invited talk about bio-degradable triboelectric nanogenerators at the ACerS Innovations in Biomedical Materials 2016 Meeting, Chicago, IL. Thanks for the invitation!
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Wenzhuo gives an invited talk (over Skype) about 2D piezotronics at the 3rd International Conference on Nanogenerators and Piezotronics (NGPT), Rome, Italy. Thanks for the invitation!
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Low-dimensional piezoelectric semiconductor nanomaterials, such as ZnO and GaN, have superior mechanical properties and can be integrated into flexible devices that can be subjected to large strain. More importantly, the coupling between piezoelectric polarization and semiconductor properties (for example, electronic transport and photoexcitation) in these materials gives rise to unprecedented device characteristics. This has increased...
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Wenzhuo is one of the 35 junior faculty nationwide to receive the prestigious Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award. Thanks very much for the support from ORAU!
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Graduate student Ruoxing Wang won the Peer Choice Award for her poster on “Bio-Degradable Triboelectric Nanogenerators Derived from Natural Materials for Self-Powered Implantable Medical Devices” during the Purdue Industrial Engineering Graduate Student Organization (IEGSO) Research Symposium. Congratulations!
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