Educational Background
- B. (Chem) Eng., University of Bombay, 1960.
- Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, 1965.
- Thesis: “Models for the Dynamics of Microbial Growth.”
Academic Positions
- H.C. Peffer Distinguished Professor, 1994-, Purdue University.
- Professor, 1976-94, Purdue University.
- Visiting Professor, 1975-76, University of Minnesota.
- Visiting Associate Professor, 1974-75, University of Wisconsin.
- Professor, 1975-77, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (on leave).
- Associate Professor, 1972-75, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.
- Assistant Professor, 1967-72, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.
- Assistant Professor, 1965-67, University of Minnesota.
- Instructor, 1964-65, University of Minnesota.