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Perseverance is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody.”   Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


This quote represents a major philosophy that I hold dear. The projects and information on these pages represent the efforts of someone who persevered. Take time to learn about me, about my students and projects, and about opportunities that are available.  If you are interested in talking to me about research opportunities in graduate education, please contact me at mfc@purdue.edu or 765-496-3461.  
 Thank you for visiting, and check often to see what is going on in my professional life. 

Photo courtesy of Purdue University

Dr. Cox with graduate student Tenille Medley and with Purdue ENE graduate, Dr. Nathan McNeill.


To find out more Dr. Cox's receipt of a 2008 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), click here.

PECASE Winners

Photo courtesy of the White House

Dr. Cox (second row, 8th person from the left) meeting President Barack Obama after receiving a PECASE January 2010 at the White House.


To find out about Dr. Cox's participation in First Lady Michelle Obama's initiative to support workforce flexibity for scientists and engineers, click here.








Pedagogical Evaluation Laboratory
School of Engineering Education, Purdue University
701 West Stadium, ARMS 1329, West Lafayette, IN 47907
Tel: 765-496-3461 | Fax: 765-494-5819 | Email: mfc@purdue.edu