About Us
This did not happen alone. In addition to these people, we want to thank so many other people who helped immeasurably. Ryan Traylor especially--thanks for the crunch time morale boosts.
Advisor Hong Z. Tan
Dr. Hong Z. Tan ultimately let this wonderful experience happen and has supported us.
Anu Bhargava
- Research Interests:
Anu Bhargava is a senior majoring in Electrical Engineering with a pre-medical focus at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN. Her future aspirations include attending medical school and eventually conducting medical research in outer space. She is highly active with the Mortarboard National Senior Honor Society, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS), Alpha Epsilon Delta (national pre-medicine honor society), and she is a tutor for the Women in Science and Engineering Program. She is originally from West Lafayette, IN and graduated from West Lafayette Junior/Senior High School in 2000. Some of her hobbies include playing basketball, dancing, listening to music, and traveling.
Birth Place:
- Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Jonathan Wolter
- Research Interests:
Jonathan Andrew Wolter is a senior at Purdue University studying Industrial Engineering. When he was in grade school and first saw the Vomit Comet on television, he said, "Mom, I want to do THAT!" Thanks to his teammates, NASA, corporate sponsors and the Industrial, Electrical and Computer, and Aero Engineering schools at Purdue, he'll finally achieve his dream. Jonathan is interested in business, humor, and efficiency. He is originally from Fort Wayne, IN and graduated from Leo High School in 2001. Jonathan enjoys swimming, running, weight lifting, cycling and dancing. His dream and plan in life is to grow businesses in order to fund charities and philanthropies to make a positive change in the world. He is the founder of Ten ThousandSmiles.com a site dedicated to surprises, humor and fun as well as LandlordAccounting.com an accounting training site for real estate investors.
- Birth Place:
- Fort Wayne, Indiana
Personal Web Pages:
- Ten Thousand Smiles (humor site)
LandlordAccounting.com -- for Real Estate Investors
Kim Mrozek
- Research Interests:
Kimberly Mrozek is a 4th year senior studying Aerospace Engineering at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN. She is a co-op at NASA Kennedy Space Center, in the International Space Station Avionics Engineering branch. She is originally from Galesburg, IL, and graduated from Galesburg High School in 2000. Beyond her studies, she plays the violin in the Purdue Symphony Orchestra, and participates in the university’s chamber music program. She is also involved in Students for the Exploration and Development of Space, and the Women In Engineering’s Mentors & Mentees Program. In her spare time, she enjoys surfing, swimming, yoga, and reading.
- Birth Place:
- Richmond, Virginia
Michael Scott
- Research Interests:
Michael Scott graduated from Purdue University with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering in May of 2002. He is currently working full time as a Resident Assistant at Purdue while simultaneously pursuing a second degree in Mathematics with minors in Management and Spanish. Next year he will be studying the Spanish language and culture while attending the University of Madrid, Spain. He hopes to return to his home of Southern California upon the successful completion of his studies abroad.
Birth Place:
- Orange, California
Personal Web Page:
- http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~hicsurfr
Roy Chung
- Research Interests:
Roy Chung is a junior in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University. He was originally born in Honolulu, Hawaii and went to Korea with his parents in 1985. He graduated high school in Korea in 2000 and came to Purdue University in spring 2001. He has been involved in some activities after came to Purdue University, such as participating in honor society and a member of IEEE, aerial robotics team. Last semester, he got into NASA's Reduced Gravity Student Flight Opportunities program as a ground crew and is now working with other four flight members. In his spare time, he plays basketball, reads books, and watches sports.
- Birth Place:
- Honolulu, Hawaii
Please check out the pictures
Thanks to our generous sponsors: 

Purdue Electrical Engineering
Purdue Aerospace Engineering
Purdue Industrial Engineering
© 2004 IFlyVomitComet.com