Parijat Sengupta's Biography

Parijat Sengupta received his Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering from REC,Jaipur, India.
In his masters he worked in the Computational Electronics Group of Dr.Marco Saraniti and was involved in simulation of electron transport using the Monte Carlo technique. He also performed EPM based band structure calculations.
Subsequently he joined the NVM division of Impinj,Inc, Seattle,WA and was last employed with the device group at Nvidia,Corp, Santa Clara, Calif.
He joined the Klimeck research group in August 2008 and has worked on the following projects:
- 3D 8 band k.p MPI parallelized C++ simulator.
- Design principles for HgTe-based TI devices.
- Electronic structure calculation for broken-gap devices.
- Topological insulator with an GaN/InN/GaN heterostructure.
- Numerical study of surface states of 3D-TI materials .
- Comparison between 20-band TB and 8-band k.p for ZB QDs.
- 3D-TI based nanowires.