Choose to join construction-related student organizations during your enrollment at Purdue.
The organizations run by CEM students—Beta Tau, Construction Engineers of the Future, and Construction Management Association of America—hold social events and construction site tours, participate in volunteer programs, and even play intramural sports together.
Additionally, CEM students are encouraged to meet with upperclassmen to discuss potential extracurricular activities as well as possible internship opportunities.
Student Organizations
Associated Builders and Contracts (ABC)
Associated General Contractors of America, Inc. (AGC)
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Beta Tau, a Construction Engineering Honor Fraternity
Constructions Engineers of the Future (CEF)
Purdue Society of Professional Engineers (PSPE)
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
Women in Construction (WinC)