2015 NanoDays Science Festival

NanoDays is a nationwide educational event to emphasize the importance of nanoscale science and engineering to our world today and in the future. The events, activities, and shows featured at Nanodays festivals are designed to engage people of all ages in learning about the exciting world of nano-science, its real-world applications, and the technologies it can one day make a reality. NanoDays events are organized by the Nanoscale Informal Science Education (NISE) Network and take place at over 250 science museums, research centers, and universities across the United States.

The 5th Annual Purdue University NanoDays Festival was held on April 15-17 at the Birck Nanotechnology Center, Discovery Park. This event featured emerging tehnologies and exciting science demonstration experiments to spark curiousity within West Lafayette's most inquisitive and scientific minds. ViPER Group researchers Ryan Adams & Arthur Dysart demonstrated the concept of nanometallic electropating and rechargable batteries during the three day event.

The 2015 event also saw the first offical unveiling of the Polarity!™ Fabrication Laboratory science kit! The PolFabLab™ is a self-contained demonstration kit designed to enlighten and excite classrooms around the world about the field of battery science. The kit permits educatiors to delonstrate the salient aspects of battery design, fabrication, and application. The included investigation tools permit a wide range of material and property characterization to explore what exactly makes rechargeable batteries work. Learn more about the PolFabLab™ here.

Congratulations to Ryan Adams & Arthur Dysart for receiving the 2015 Outstanding Volunteer Award for their engaging and highly-received demonstrations for electroplating and rechargeable batteries! Thank you to the 2015 NanoDays organization committee for organizing a fun and memorable learning experience for both participants and volunteers.

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