National Effective Teaching Institute 2015

The National Effective Teaching Institute (NETI) is a bi-annual, three-day workshop on effective teaching for engineering instructors. The main purpose of the NETI Conference is to give the participants information and some hands-on practice in the elements of effective teaching, including course planning, lecturing, active learning, assessment of learning, and dealing with a variety of problems that commonly arise in the life of a faculty member. Each August, two exceptional faulty members from selected campuses in the United states and Canada are invited to attend the NETI Conference. Since 1991, the Spring workshop has been held each year with a total of over 1312 participants from 244 different schools. The workshops are sponsored by the Chemical Engineering and Educational Research and Methods Divisions of the American Society for Engineering Education.

The 2015 NETI workshop was held in Austin, Texas. Prof. Pol would like to thank workshop leaders Richard Felder, Rebecca Brent, and Mike Prince for their helpful advice and discussions.

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