DEBISim (Dual Energy Baggage Image Simulator):

A Python-based 3D CT Simulation library for Single and Dual energy X-ray image data generation.

This library is designed to aid in the development, testing and evaluation of Single and Dual Energy CT based target detection systems for airport baggage screening and other CT imaging applications requiring anomaly detection.



DEBISim (Dual Energy Baggage Image Simulator) is a Python-based 3D CT Simulation library for Single and Dual energy X-ray image data generation. This library is designed to aid in the development, testing and evaluation of Single and Dual Energy CT based target detection systems for airport baggage screening and other CT imaging applications requiring anomaly detection. The software package presents a simulation pipeline for developing algorithms for baggage inspection scanners and in other similar security screening applications. CT-based target detection systems in general require generating testing and training data by packing and scanning a large number of real bags with real threat materials. Since DEBISim incorporates a complete simulation of physical phenomena involving X-ray transmission, attenuation and detection and also provides a user-configurable scanner geometry, it is an alternative to physically scanning CT baggages for data generation. DEBISim also knows about the wide range of materials (and threat materials) that are encountered in a scanned bag and includes support for simulating them while packing virtual bags.

The DEBISim package includes the following features:

The code for DEBISim contains four main modules, RandomizedModeGUI, UserInteractiveModeGUI, DEBISimPipeline and DEBISimDatasetGenerator, as well as seventeen support modules written by us. DEBISim also uses the following four third-party open source libraries: FreeCT_wFBP, ASTRA-toolbox, Gpufit and the NIST XCOM Photon Cross-Sections Database. The setup and installation of these third-party libraries is described in Setup and Installation while the details of their operation can be found in the Documentation.

The DEBISim Simulation Pipeline

As shown in the figure below, the four basic building blocks of the DEBISim simulation pipeline are: (i) Virtual Bag Generator, (ii) Forward X-ray Modelling, (iii) DE Decomposer and (iv) Reconstructor.

DEBISim Simulation Pipeline

Generating both projection and reconstruction data using DEBISim requires executing all of the four blocks in the order as shown above. Here is a brief introduction to the blocks (their details are presented in the Documentation):

Further information on each of the blocks as well as how to run the pipeline can be found in the Documentation.

System Requirements

DEBISim is designed to run on Linux/MacOSx OS machines. Make sure that the aforementioned third-party modules need to be pre-installed on the machine before running DEBISim. Guidelines for installing these have been described in Setup and Installation.

The system pre-requisites for DEBISim are:

See Setup and Installation on instructions for meeting these requirements.



Python API Reference


Public Domain, Copyright © 2018, Robot Vision Lab, Purdue University.

All publications using DEBSim or its datasets must cite the following paper:

  title={DEBISim: A simulation pipeline for dual energy CT-based baggage inspection systems}, 
  author={Manerikar, Ankit and Li, Fangda and Kak, Avinash C}, 
  journal={Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology}, 


DEBISim has been created by Ankit Manerikar, Fangda Li, Tanmay Prakash and Avinash Kak at the Robot Vision Lab, Purdue University, USA.

The authors may be contacted at: (Ankit Manerikar) and (Fangda Li).