API Reference: Virtual Bag Generator block


SL Management Module, ShapeListHandler

See the documentation on Virtual Bag Generator Block for a description of the Shape List data format and the module ShapeListHandler.


__init__() Constructor
create_sim_object() Function to create an SL object dictionary to add to a shape list
get_table_img() generates an SL object dictionary for the scanner table
get_tray_img() generates an SL object dictionary for the scanner tray
get_bag_boundary() generates an SL object dictionary for the bag boundary

Method Description

Desc. Constructor for the Shape List Handler
Args -
Returns -
Desc. Function to create an object dictionary to add to the shape list. To using this function to create a shape, check the geom key values carefully as they differ for each primtive shape- see Shape List data format for details.
Args geom: dict - geometric specs for object shape
shape: str {'E' | 'C' | 'Y' | 'M' | 'B' | 'S'} - type of object shape
obj_material: str - material assigned to object
label: int - the label for the obje in the ground truth label image
lqd_flag: bool - set to True if the object is a liquid filled container
lqd_param: dict - dictionary containing specs for the liquid filled container. (See Shape Lists)
Returns SL dictionary
Desc. Function to create a default scanner table object in the image.
Args image_dim: int - CT image dimension
table_thickness: int - thickness of the scanner table
material: str - material assigned to the table
Returns tray_img: 2D ndarray - a 2D cross section image of the table
table_dict: dict - an SL dictionary for the table
Desc. Function to create a default scanner tray object in the image.
Args orig_dim: int - CT image dimension
tray_thickness: int - thickness of the scanner tray
material: str - material assigned to the tray
Returns tray_img: 2D ndarray - a 2D cross section image of the tray
tray_dict: dict - an SL dictionary for the tray
Desc. Function to create a default scanner table object in the image.
Args orig_dim: int - CT image dimension
bag_dim: tuple dimensions of the bag: (bag_size, bag_thickness)
table_thickness: int - thickness of the scanner table
material: str - material assigned to the table
Returns bb_img: 2D ndarray - a 2D cross section image of the bag
bag_dict: dict - an SL dictionary for the bag
img_ctr: tuple - center of the bag