API Reference: X-ray Forward Modelling Block
Scanner Geometry Module, ScannerTemplate
See Forward Model for the description and usage of the module.
__init__() |
Constructor |
set_recon_geometry() |
Creates geometric model based on specifications provided during intialization |
run_fwd_projector() |
Perform forward projection on input 3D data to generate X-ray projection data() |
reconstruct_data() |
Reconstructs 3D volumetric image from input projection data |
projn_generator() |
Runs forward projector on a volume to generate its projection |
recon_geometry |
dictionary for reconstruction geometry |
machine_geometry |
dictionary for machine geometry |
recon_params |
dictionary for user-specified reconst. parameters |
proj_geom |
ASTRA object created by the class instance |
vecs |
array of vectors specifying position of each CT detector in the frame of reference of the isocenter. |
Method Descriptions:
- def __init__(self,geometry=‘cone’,scan=‘spiral’, machine_dict=None, recon=‘fbp’, recon_dict=None)
Desc.: |
Constructor for ScannerTemplate(). The dictionary
specifications in machine_dict, recon_dict must match the type of scanner geometry.
The different supported types are ‘cone’-Cone
Beam CT, ‘parallel’- Parallel Beam CT and ‘fan’ - Fan Beam CT. Models
can be constructed for both circular and helical motion paths for data
acquisition (through argument scan). Image Reconstruction can be done
using either wFBP (using FreeCT_wFBP) or SIRT (ASTRA). |
Args.: |
geometry: {‘cone’| ‘parallel’ | ‘fan’}, str - type of scanner geometry (Limited support for ‘fan’ or ‘parallel’ in this version) |
scan: {‘spiral’, ‘circular’}, str - Scanner data acquisition path |
machine_dict: dict - dictionary for machine geometry |
recon: {‘fbp’ | ‘sirt’}, str - Type of reconstruction algorithm used |
recon_dict: dict - dictionary for reconstruction parameters. |
Return: |
- |
- def set_recon_geometry(self)
Desc.: |
Sets up CT Scanner geometry as per the input arguments and specifications during initialization. |
Args.: |
- |
Returns.: |
- |
- def run_fwd_projector(self, vol_data, verbose=False)
Desc.: |
Forward the input 3D volume to create X-ray projection data for the
scanner. The function is overloaded to support the different scanner
geometries. |
Args.: |
vol_data: 3D ndarray of float - 3D volumetric image to be projected dim.: gantry_diameter x gantry_diametry x no_of_slices) |
verbose: bool - Set to True to print results on the terminal |
Return: |
projection data (dim.: n_rows x n_cols x (n_views*n_rot)) |
- def reconstruct_data(self, sino)
This function operates differently for different scanner geometries as shown ahead:
- (for 3D-SIRT) def reconstruct_data(self, sino, n_iter=100, sino_mask=None)
Desc.: |
For recon=‘sirt’ and scan=‘circular’. Run SIRT3D algorithm to
reconstruct volume from projection data for CBCT. For details of the
algorithm see ASTRA’s SIRT3D_CUDA algorithm. |
Args.: |
sino: 3D ndarray of float - input projection data |
n_iter: int - number of iterations for SIRT |
sino_mask: 3D ndarray of bool - portion of the sinogram to skip |
Return: |
reconstructed 3D image |
- def reconstruct_data(self, data, full_range=False, flags=’’,show_plots=False, append_air_turns=False, full_range=False, clip_for_annotation=True)
Desc.: |
For recon=‘fbp’ and scan=‘spiral’. Runs FreeCT wFBP algorithm on
data. Takes in three turns of data, returns only the reconstruction for
the central turn if the full_range option is not turned on. For details
of the algorithm, check \reconstructor\FreeCT\ and the paper [4] [5] |
Args.: |
data: 3D ndarray of float32 - sinogram data of the dimensions n_channels x n_rows x n_views |
flags: dict - flags for running fct_wfbp |
full_range: bool - whether cover full range skip the padding turns |
append_air_turns: bool -add additional turns to avoid cropped reconstructions |
show_plots: bool - display reconstructed image after operation |
clip_for_annotation: bool -crops image to align with theground truth label image |
Return: |
reconstructed data, (row x column x z) |
[4]. J.
Hoffman, S. Young, F. Noo, M. McNitt-Gray, “Technical Note:
FreeCT_wFBP: A robust, efficient, open-source implementation of weighted
filtered backprojection for helical, fan-beam CT,” Med. Phys., vol. 43,
no. 3, pp. 1411-1420, Feb. 2016.
[5]. K.
Stierstorfer, A. Rauscher, J. Boese, H. Bruder, S. Schaller, and T.
Flohr, “Weighted FBP—a simple approximate 3D FBP algorithm for
multislice spiral CT with good dose usage for arbitrary pitch,” Phys.
Med. Biol., vol. 49, no. 11, pp. 2209–2218, Jun. 2004.
- def projn_generator(self, vol_data):
Desc. |
Function that runs that forward model projector to create CT projections of input volumetric data. |
Args. |
vol_data: 3D torch.Tensor - 3D volumetric image |
Return |
projn: 2D/3D torch.Tensor- torch Tensor represent representing the X-ray projection (this is raw projection - not log attenuation) |
Attenuation Data Module, MuDatabaseHandler
See Forward Model for its description.
__init__() |
Constructor |
create_compound_mu() |
Create attenuation data for a compound specified by its molecular formula and density in g/cc |
create_targets_mu() |
Create attenuation data for a target material specified by its molecular formula and density in g/cc |
create_mixture_mu() |
Create attenuation data for a target material specified by its molecular formula and density in g/cc |
material() |
Get attenuation data for a specified material |
calculate_lac_hu_values() |
Calculate the LAC / Hounsfeld for a given material and spectral model |
element |
dictionary of periodic leement from Z = 1-100 |
compound |
dictionary of current compounds retained by the mu_handler |
target |
dictionary of current targets retained by the mu_handler |
curr_compounds_list |
list of compounds currently saved in DEBISim |
curr_targets_list |
list of compounds currently saved in DEBISim |
elements_list |
list of the atomic symbols of all elements |
f_loc |
dictionary of dbase file locations in DEBiSim |
kev_range |
Current Energy range for attenuation curves (default: 10 - 161 keV with 1 keV) |
materials_list |
list of all saved materials including elements, compounds and targets |
Method Description
Desc. |
Constructor for MuDatabaseHandler(). |
Args. |
- |
Return |
- |
- def create_compound_mu(self, compound_formula, compound_name, density)
Desc. |
Generate Attenuation data for a given compound specified by its chemical formula and density |
Args. |
compound_formula: str - Molecular formula for a
compound, specify in expanded form with element number followed by
subscript, for e.g., for milk of magnesia (Mg(OH)_2), specify
compound_formula=‘MgO2H2’ |
compound_name: str - Name to be assigned to the material |
density: float - Density of the compound in g/cm^2 |
Return |
- |
- def create_targets_mu(self, target_formula, target_name, density)
Desc. |
Generate Attenuation data for a given target specified by its chemical formula and density |
Args. |
target_formula: str - Molecular formula for a
target, specify in expanded form with element number followed by
subscript, for e.g., for milk of magnesia (Mg(OH)_2), specify
target_formula=‘MgO2H2’ |
target_name: str - Name to be assigned to the material |
density: float - Density of the target in g/cm^2 |
Return |
- |
- def create_mixture_mu(self, mixture_name, component_list, is_target=True)
Desc. |
Generate Attenuation data for a given mixture of compounds |
Args. |
mixture_name: str - Name assigned to the material |
component_list: list - List of tuples of the components of the
mixture in the form:
(formula, fraction, density in g/cc) |
is_target: bool - set to True if the material is a target |
Return |
- |
- def material(self, mat, prop=None)
Desc. |
Function to read material / material properties. |
Args. |
mat: str - material name |
prop: str - material property: {‘compton’, ‘pe’, ‘z’, ‘mu’, ‘density’} |
Return |
material dictionary or property value |
- def calculate_lac_hu_values(self, mat, spectrum_list)
Desc. |
Calculate the LAC and HU values for the given material and spectrum |
Args. |
mat: str - material name |
spectrum_list: 1D array of float or list - spectrum array or list of 1D spectra |
Return |