This page enumerates the steps that must be performed to setup, install and run DEBISim on Linux machines. Provided that the system pre-requisites described below are met, you have installed the third-party modules and have also installed PyQt5, DEBISim can be downloaded, unzipped and run directly for creating virtual bags and their 3D reconstructions. By directly, we mean that there is no need to execute an installation script as long as you are running DEBISim in the same directory where it is downloaded. To take advantage of the GPU support built into DEBISim, it is best to run it in a virtual environment using Anaconda or a Python-based IDE such as PyCharm. Note that all code within the DEBISim package is obfuscated bytecode, i.e., the modules and submodules cannot be read or modified but can be imported by Python scripts running in the same virtual environment. See the Python API Reference for the different DEBISim modules that can be accessed and imported.
DEBISim can be run on Linux/ MacOSx OS machines with limited support on Windows. Proper operation of the software requires the aforementioned third-party modules to be pre-installed on the machine before running DEBISim. Guidelines for installing these have been described ahead.
The system pre-requisites for DEBISim include the following:
DEBISim can be downloaded using one of the following links - make sure that the steps in System Setup have been performed before running the software:
Steps for setting up, installing and running DEBISim are given in the next section.
The following steps must be performed in order to use the DEBISim software for data simulation:
DEBISim is built using Python 2.7.x - the Python dependencies for the software can be found here and can be installed as follows:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Operation of several libraries in DEBISim requires CUDA support (CUDA Toolkit version 9.2 or higher). The software can still be run without CUDA but has limited functionality and takes longer time to run.
ASTRA Toolbox:
pip install torch torchvision
Gpufit Installation:
PyGpufit is required to speed up the operation of the dual energy decomposition block in the simulation pipeline. This package must be installed and set up as follows:
Download the Gpufit package from GitHub:
git clone Gpufit
Add the files compton_pe.cuh, kn_pe.cuh at the location <path to gpufit>/Gpufit/models/
within the Gpufit directory.
In the file <path to gpufit>/Gpufit/models/models.cuh
, edit the model ID list so that it reads
enum ModelID {
GAUSS_1D = 0,
GAUSS_2D = 1,
LINEAR_1D = 5,
Make the same change in the <path to gpufit>/Gpufit/python/pygpufit/
so that it reads:
class ModelID():
GAUSS_1D = 0
GAUSS_2D = 1
Complete the Gpufit installation
cd Gpufit
mkdir build
cd build
Finish by installing the Python bindings for Gpufit:
cd pyGpufit/dist
pip install pyGpufit-X.Y.Z-py2.py3-none-any.whl
or whichever path has been assigned to the library. Run sudo make install
again to build the library.GUI Support:
Running the GUI scripts in Randomized or User-Interactive Mode requires PyQT support for which the libraries can be installed as follows:
sudo apt install python-pyqt5 python-pyqt5.opengl
pip install pyqtgraph
Additional libraries:
These additional modules are required for I/O operations, data logging and for script obfuscation.
pip install astropy tabulate pydicom pyarmor
Environment Setup:
Once the above steps are complete, the DEBISim package can be unzipped and run. As mentioned earlier, since the source code and libraries are obfuscated, they cannot be read or modified but can be imported by Python scripts running within the same virtual environment - see the Python API Reference for the different DEBISim modules that can be accessed and imported. The GUI scripts and examples within the src/scripts/ directory demonstrate how these modules can be used for data simulation. To run the obfuscated scripts, add the path of the DEBISim directory to the PYTHONPATH:
export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/debisim/directory:$PYTHONPATH
Examples on running the DEBISim simulation pipeline using the simulator modules or by using the GUI are given in Examples and documentation on the same can be found in Documentation.