Open Positions














Information for graduate and postdoc applicants:


We look for highly motivated students with background in one or more of the following areas:

-        Mechanical Engineering, including Heat Transfer, Thermal Science and Precision Instruments

-        Electrical Engineering in Ultrafast Optics

-        Physics, particularly in Solid State Physics, Mechanics and Optics

-        Laser manufacturing and laser diagnostics

-        Microfabrication, i.e., lithography


Typical successful applicants had solid background and excellent academic record in their field of study, in addition to meeting the minimum requirement of the ME graduate school. 


Current Postdoctoral Positions:

We are recruiting postdoctoral researchers through the Purdue Lillian Gilberth Postdoctoral Fellowship Program in the topics of:

Application deadline: 11/1/2022

Starting date can be as early as 2/1/2023

For more information, please contact Prof. Xu at


Current PhD Positions:


1. Nanoscale energy transfer: This project investigates energy transfer processes in thin films or 2D materials. We use advanced ultrafast laser spectroscopy methods, Raman spectroscopy methods, and ultrafast microscopy methods to investigate energy transfer in novel semiconductor materials used for future electronic devices, hence to provide practical solutions to control energy transfer in these devices. Background in mechanical engineering/thermal science or physics is desirable.


2. Rapid 3D nano-printing: This project is to develop continuous and rapid laser 3D printing processes with printing resolution of the order of 100 nm, and a speed far exceeding state-of-the-art systems. We improve the speed and accuracy of 3D nanoscale printing through the development of new printing methods, optical engineering, system engineering, advanced control, and Machine Learning. Background in mechanical engineering, physics, or electrical engineering is desirable.


Undergraduate Research Opportunities:

Undergraduate students are participating in our research work through taking ME497, Independent Research, Discovery Park Research Internship (DURIP), or Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF). Previously accomplished ME497 projects include laser micro-/nano-machining, 3D nanoprinting, laser nanomaterials growth, and nanoscale heat transfer. Email Prof. Xu for more details.


Please note summer internships are not available for international students not in the US at the time of application.




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