












·       2024.07: Anwarul and Jason published their work in Optics Express!

·       2024.05: Mauricio published his work in Applied Physics Letters!

·       2024.05: Yikang and Mauricio published their work in Advanced Functional Materials!

·       2024.04: Shouyuan and Neil published their work in Nano Letters!

·       2023.11: Mauricio A. Segovia Pacheco defended his PhD!

·        2023.09: Jason gave an invited talk of "Rapid, continuous projection 3D printing by spatiotemporal focusing of femtosecond pulses" on 2023 IEEE RAPID (Research and Applications of Photonics in Defense).

·        2023.09: Mauricio's paper is published on Physical Review B !

·        2023.07: Mauricio A. Segovia Pacheco received the ASME Heat Transfer Division K-9 Track (Nanoscale Thermal Transport) Presentation Award at the 2023 ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference.

·        2023.04: Shouyuan and Neil published their work in Nano Letters!

·        2022.11: An interview article about 3D Printing at the Nanoscale has been published on ASME Topics.

·        2022.11: Paul Somers defended his PhD and joined Dr. Wegener at KIT, Germany.

·        2022.05: Dr. Xianfan Xu received the 2022 Award of Excellence in Graduate Student Mentorship.

·        2021.10: Paul Somers won the Best Poster at the 2021 Hawkins Student Poster Session.

·        2021.10: Former PhD student Anurup Datta joins Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad as an Assistant Professor.

·        2021.09: Paul Somers and Jason Johnson published their work on spatiotemproal projection printing in Light: Science  & Applications.  Their work is features in Purdue's Mechanical Engineering news.

·        2021.08: Paul Somers received an INSGC (Indiana Space Grant Consortium) Fellowship for the academic year.

·        2021.08: Hakan Salihoglu defended his PhD and joined Professor Sheng Shen at Carnegie Mellon, PA as a postdoc.

·        2021.03: Prabhu received the 2021 Estus H. And Vashti L. Magoon Award for Excellence in Teaching.

·        2021.03: Shouyuan's paper on optical chirality detection using a topological insulator transistor is published in Advanced Optical Materials.

·        2021.03: Prabhu Venuthurumilli defended his PhD thesis and joined Western Digital, CA

·         2021.02: Congratulations to Shouyuan for winning the Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship.

·         2020.02: Vasudevan Iyer defended his PhD thesis and joined Oak Ridge National Laboratory as a postdoc.

·         2019.12: Hakan and Vasu's paper on radiation inside hyperbolic material is published in Advanced Functional Materials. 

·         2019.09: Prof. Xu is invited to be the Russell Severance Springer Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of California at Berkeley during the 2019-2020 academic year.

·         2019.07: Zhou Zeng defended his M.S. thesis and joined Schlumberger in Houston, TX

·         2019.01: Anurup Datta joined the University of Tromsø as a postdoc after defending his PhD thesis.

·         2018.08: Qian Cao defended his M.S. thesis and joined Hermes Microvision in San Jose, CA

·         2018.03: Roger Luo and Shouyuan Huang's work on "Large enhancement of thermal conductivity and Lorenz number in topological insulator thin films" is featured in Purdue News.

·         2018.01: At the SPIE 2018 Photonics West conference Paul Somers’ work on "Optical lithography using stimulated emission depletion" won the SPIE Applications of 3D Printing Best Paper Award. Authors on the work are Paul Somers, Sanjoy Mukherjee, Brandon Franz, Xiaolong He, Bryan Boudouris, Liang Pan, and Xianfan Xu.

·         2017.09: Anurup's work on Infrared Near-Field Transducer for HAMR has been featured in

·         2017.08: Prof. Xu is appointed as an Associate Editor of Optics Express (OSA)

·         2016.08: Work on efficient harnessing of full spectrum of sunlight using a hybrid methodology has been featured in Purdue News. Hybrid system designed to harvest 'full spectrum' of solar energy.

·         2016.07: Woongsik Nam defended his PHD thesis and will join Samsung.

·         2016.07: Roger defended his PHD thesis and joined Seagate Technology, MN.

·         2015.11: Congratulations to Lenan Zhang for being selected as a Bottomley Undergrad Research Scholar for Spring 2016.

·         2015.11: At the 2015 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and  Exposition (IMECE) in Houston, TX, former PhD student Yaguo Wang's paper Wang, Y., Qiu, B., McGaughey, A., Ruan, X., and Xu, X., 2013, 
Mode-Wise Thermal Conductivity of Bismuth Telluride, J. Heat Trans. Vol. 135, p.091102, won the ASME Heat Transfer Division 2015 Best Paper Award.

·         2015.10: Congratulations to Roger for his paper on thermal conductivity of black  phosphorus published in Nature Communications.

·         2015.08: Congratulations to Woongsik Nam for receiving the Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship.

·         2015.07: Nan Zhou defended her PHD thesis and joined Seagate Technology, MN.

·         2014.12: Yan Li defended his PHD thesis.

·         2014.09: Congratulations to Prof. Xu for receiving the Heat Transfer Memorial Award.

·         2014.08: Liang Guo defended his PHD thesis.

·         2014.07: Bryan Spann defended his PHD thesis.

·         2014.07: James Mitchell defended his PHD thesis and joined Maxim Integrated, OR.

·        2013.01: Yaguo Wang joined UT Austin.

·         2012.06: Congratulations to Woongsik Nam for the Best Student Poster Award at the 13th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication. The title is "Laser Direct Growth of Silicon Nanowire and Graphene for Device Fabrication" and the authors are Woongsik Nam, James Mitchell, Dapeng Wei, Chookiat Tansarawiput, Minghao Qi and Xianfan Xu.

·         2011.12: Pornsak Srisungsitthisunti defended his PHD and joined King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, Thailand.

·         2011.10: Yaguo Wang defended her PHD thesis.

·        2011.06: Graduate student Piak (Pornsak Srisungsitthisunti)'s work has been awarded a patent for "Volume Fresnel zone plates fabricated by laser direct writing" (U.S. Patent No. 7,969,6544).

·         2010.12: Edward C. Kinzel defended his PHD thesis and will join Infrared Systems Laboratory in University of Central Florida, FL.

·        2010.11: Prof. Xu leads an NSF/DOE funded project on recovery of waste heat from automobile exhaust.

·        2010.08: Postdoc researcher Carl Liebig joined AFOSR Wright Patterson Laboratory .

·         2010.06: Postdoc researcher Se Jun Park joined Samsung.

·         2010.02: Sreemanth Uppuluri defended his PHD thesis and joined Intel.

·         2010.02: Congratulations to Piak (Pornsak Srisungsitthisunti) for the Student Award at the Conference on Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing (LAMOM) XV, part of Photonics West, 2010.

·         2009.09: Postdoc researcher Sinan Selcuk jointed Intel.

·        2008.05: Baratunde A. Cola defende his PHD thesis and will join Georgia Tech.

·         2008.03.24: Liang Wang defended his PHD thesis and will join Molecular Imprints, Inc. in Austin, TX.

·         2008.02.20: Alex Qihong Wu defended his PHD thesis and will join Seagate Technology Research Center in Pittsburgh, PA.

·         2007.11.21:Nicholas Dubay-Murphy successfully defended his dissertation and accepted a position at Harris Corporation.

·         2007.04.12: Congratulations to Qihong Wu (Alex) on the birth of his son Manning!

·         2006.05.05: Changrui accepted a position at Butler International.

·         2006.04.14: Xuhui Jin (Eric) successfully defended his dissertation and will be leaving to accept a position at Seagate.

·         2006.02.28: The femtosecond laser has been moved to the Birck Nanotechnology Center and is operational.

·         2005.10.31: Ihtesham H. Chowdhury (ET) graduated (Ph.D.) and accepted a position at Intel.

·         2005.09.15: Richard X. Zhang accepted a position at General Electric Global Research Center.

·         2005.05.01: Ihtesham H. Chowdhury (ET) won the best paper award at the 2005 Laser Precision Microfabrication  conference in Williamsburg, VA.




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