

Professor Kaushik Roy receives the 2020 Ardent Bement Award from Purdue University

Abhronil Sengupta joins Penn State and Priya Panda joins Yale University as Assistant Professors

Jaydeep Kulkarni joins UT Austin as Assistant Professor

Xuanyao Fong joins NUS at Singapore as Assistant Professor

Professor Kaushik Roy receives the 2015 SRC Aristotle Award.(Purdue ECE spotlights)

2015 IEEE Trans. on VLSI Systems Best Paper Award for paper titled, "Ultralow-Voltage Process-Variation-Tolerant Schmitt-Trigger-Based SRAM Design," authored by Jaydeep Kulkarni and Kaushik Roy.

Professor Kaushik Roy is among 10 researchers named National Security Science and Engineering Faculty Fellows(NSSEFF) to perform research into "neuromorphic computing" for the U.S. Department of Defence. (Purdue News) (DOD webpage)

Deliang Fan to join ECE dept. of University of Central Florida as Assistant Professor

Sumeet Gupta joins ECE dept. of Pennsylvania State University as Assistant Professor

2013 IEEE Trans. on VLSI Systems Best Paper Award for paper titled, "Design Paradigm for Robust Spin-Torque Transfer Magnetic RAM (STT MRAM) From Circuit/Architecture Perspective" authored by J. Li, P. Ndai, A. Goel, S. Salahuddin, and K. Roy

Arijit Raychowdhury joins Georgia Tech. ECE as Associate Professor

Swaroop Ghosh joins University of South Florida as Assistant Professor

Jae-Joon Kim joins POSTECH (Pohang Instutute of Science and Technology, Korea) as faculty of ECE

Prof. Kaushik Roy receives Distinguished Alumnus Award from Indian Institute of technology, Kharagpur.

Prof. Kaushik Roy receives 2011 IEEE Circuits and Systems Technical Achievement Award

Prof. Kaushik Roy receives Humboldt Research Award for senior scientists

George Karakonstantis becomes the 50th PhD student to graduate from Dr. Roy's group

Georgios Karakonstantis, Vaibhav Gupta, and Himanshu Markandeya awarded 3rd prize in Altera Innovate Design Contest '10 for developing an energy efficient multimedia system on chip

Niladri Narayan Mojumder receives IBM Fellowship for the year 2010-2011

Sumeet Kumar Gupta receives Intel Fellowship for the year 2009-2010

Charles Augustine received Best Paper in session award at 2009 SRC TECHCON

Prof. Kaushik Roy has been awarded College of Engineering Excellence in Research Award from Purdue University for the year 2008


Nanoelectronics Research Laboratory

Welcome to the Purdue University Nanoelectronics Research Laboratory website! The laboratory is located in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the West Lafayette campus.

The primary aim of the laboratory is to develop techniques at the device/circuit/algorithm/architecture level suitable for low-power and high-performance system design. The group explores different aspects of machine learning algorithms, device /circuit modeling, exploratory Silicon and non-Silicon devices, spintronics, neuromorphic computing and learning algorithms, stochastic computing. 

The Nanoelectronics Research Laboratory was established around 18 years ago in Department of Electrical Engineering, Purdue University. Currently it consists of 34 research staffs including one post-doctoral research assistant. The group is directed by Prof. Kaushik Roy. Major sponsors of the group over the years include SRC/DARPA JUMP, Intel, IBM, SRC, NSF, DARPA, Rockwell, StarNet, IBM, HP, ATT/Lucent, Qualcomm, Nano Research Initiative. The laboratory has produced 90+ PhD and 27 MS alumni to date.

This homepage contains information about the research activities in the laboratory and its people. We have posted a list of recent publications from the laboratory. Should you need to contact the laboratory,  the contact information below.





Contact Information

Nanoelectronics Research Laboratory
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907
Room No.: MSEE 232 | MSEE 286 | MSEE237 | EE 20
Phone: 1-(765) 494-2361 | 4940759 | 4963136 | 4943372
Fax: 1-765-4943371