Recent and Current Activities, updated August 2008
- Development of High RAP Content Mix Guidelines and Informational Documents
- RAP Plant Mix Study
- Use of RAP in Surface Courses
- Quiet Pavement Study
- Long Term Performance of a Porous Friction Course
- Collaboration with the Institute for Safe, Quiet and Durable Highways (SQDH)
- Investigating the Feasibility of Integrating Pavement Friction and Texture Depth Data in Pavement Management
- Use of RAP in Surface Courses
- Identification of Laboratory Techniques to Optimize Superpave HMA Surface Friction Characteristics
Technology Transfer
- Member of FHWA Recycling Expert Task Group
- Articles/Papers/Television:
--Current Science
--Roads and Bridges
--History Channel, Modern Marvels, "Superhighways"
- Presentations on Recycling:
--Kansas Asphalt Paving Conference
--Rocky Mountain Asphalt User Producer Group
--NAPA Energy Conservation Conference
--Wisconsin Asphalt Paving Conference
--Indiana Asphalt Paving Conference
--New York State Asphalt Conference
- Other Presentations:
--Bradley Conference
--Ohio Transportation Engineering Conference
--Rocky Mountain Asphalt Conference
--New Zealand Sustainability Conference
Technical Support
- RAP characterization for contractor mix design
- Requests for technical information, advice and consulting
- Field Noise Testing
- Participant in FHWA Sponsored Tire/Pavement Noise Symposia and Strategic Planning Workshops
- Building polisher, providing support for Maryland State Highway Administration
- Tack Coat Texture Testing
- Seal Coat Texture and Permeability Testing
- Collaboration with NCAT
- RAP in mix design classes
- RAP video
- RAP Expert Task Group (ETG) efforts