All Research Projects
SPR-4946: Implementation of the AASHTO IRM Guide Specification for Steel Girder Bridges
Principal Investigators - Robert Connor
Start Date - 12/01/2024
The project proposes to improve the efficiency of bridge evaluations, inspections and maintenance, ultimately leading to cost savings, enhanced safety and more reliable structural assessments by developing software to implement the AASHTO Guide Specifications for Internally Redundancy Members by removing them from NSTM list.
SPR-4944: INDOT Research and Development Teamwork and Leadership Delepment
Principal Investigators - Kyle Squillace
Start Date - 11/18/2024
SPR-4943: An Experimental Study into the Fatigue Strength and Ductility of Builtup Steel Members with Holes made using Plasma Cutting Methods
Principal Investigators - Robert Connor, Amit Varma, Cem Korkmaz
Start Date - 11/01/2024
SPR‐4841 served as a preliminary phase to this proposal, in which a literature review was conducted to evaluate current standards and existing research around the use of PACH in fatigue. The results of SPR-4841 revealed that the state of the practice for PACH is promising and suggest that plasma arc cutting could be proven acceptable as a hole making technique. In order to conclusively determine if such is the case, further experimental studies are recommended. This study proposes to fulfil the gaps in the literature related to such experimental test data. The project deliverables will be a final project report and if the technologies are found to produce holes that meet current behavior requirements, then move the research into practice through incorporation into INDOT and AASHTO Specifications.
SPR-4942: EV Charging Needs and Demand for Multifamily Dwellings in Indiana
Principal Investigators - Satish Ukkusuri, Nadia Gkritza
Start Date - 12/16/2024
The project will use the data generated and insights from SPR 4706 to explore the charging needs and variances among Indiana residents, particularly focusing on those in single-family and multi-family housing. The goal is to model potential future demand for DC fast chargers and provide actionable insights for the placement of NEVI-funded stations. By addressing the specific needs of populations with limited access to home or Level 2 charging, we can ensure that the charging infrastructure is equitable and supports the broader transition to electric mobility.
SPR-4941: Implementation of an Integrated Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Validation Program
Principal Investigators - Robert Connor
Start Date - 09/01/2024
This proposal is related to the scope and budget associated with implementing the deliverables created through Pooled Fund Study TPF-5(387). This pooled fund study developed an unmanned aerial system (UAS) Validation Program comprised of five performance-based tests and procedural documentation with the intended objective of establishing minimum standards for the use of UAS in bridge inspection applications. Indiana, through JTRP, is leading this study and has indicated they will be participating in the effort.
SPR-4940: Implementing An Advanced Friction Test Program for Seamless Coverage of INDOT System
Principal Investigators - Chengcheng Tao, Yi Jiang
Start Date - 07/01/2024
The research project SPR-4646, Advancing INDOT’s Friction Test Program for Seamless Coverage of System, approved implementation plan has developed a roadmap to ensure that all valuable findings of SPR-4646 will be implemented. This proposal further outlines the tasks and activities for successfully executing the implementation plan and incorporate additional tests on new pavement marking materials as recommended by the SAC.
SPR-4937: Enhanced Traffic Pattern Knowledge Abstraction and Presentation from 511 Database
Principal Investigators - Yaobin Chen, Chengcheng Tao, Tianyi Li, Stanley Chien
Start Date - 08/01/2024
This project will develop a system with a user-friendly intelligent interface that will enhance the existing 511 features by developing new features for INDOT and potential users. These new features may include: (1) providing user-adjustable spatial-temporal traffic flow information over a specified period in the display; (2) allowing users to overlay additional parameters of their choice by integrating 511 traffic data and another related database, such as weather and event data; and (3) supporting pattern analysis for the historical data already stored in 511.
SPR-4935: Orange Contract Markings in Work Zone
Principal Investigators - Michael Williamson (Kaskaskia Engineering Group LLC)
Start Date - 08/01/2024
This project will quantify the safety of orange contrast pavement markings in work zones allowing for better decision making at the state level. Crash reductions from this project have the potential to save lives and reduce the costs to the economy. This project will also identify public opinion and commercial vehicle driver response to orange markings in work zones.
SPR-4934: RampCast Phase II: Connected Vehicles Traffic Management Application on Indiana Highways
Principal Investigators - Feng Li, Yaobin Chen,
Start Date - 08/01/2024
The RAMPCAST Phase II project aims to enhance traffic management on Indiana highways using advanced connected vehicle technologies, with focus on integrating 5G CV2X technologies, AI algorithms, and Software-Defined Radio devices. Key tasks include developing the RAMPCast system with Codha MK6 units, implementing SAE-compliant traffic messaging, and creating an AI-based GEO-fencing prioritization algorithm. The project will leverage real-time traffic data, ensuring robust and efficient communication between vehicles and traffic management systems. The outcomes will provide a foundation for future smart highway initiatives, enhancing safety and reducing congestion.
SPR-4933: Worksite Speed Control System (WSCS)
Principal Investigators - Darcy Bullock, Jijo Mathew
Start Date - 07/01/2024
This research will use connected vehicle data to perform before/after assessments of the work site speed control pilot program. The results from this study will help stakeholders and decision makers to understand the impact of this program on improving speed compliance and safety in and around work sites for both motorists and construction workers. This study will also provide guidance on lessons learned and best practices for implementing this program on a wider scale across the state.
SPR-4932: Portable Driving Simulation Platform for Innovative Intersections
Principal Investigators - Ziran Wang, Brandon Pitts
Start Date - 07/01/2024
This project will create a portable driving simulation platform tailored for driver training at innovative intersections. By providing an advanced simulation tool, INDOT can increase public awareness and acceptance of innovative intersection designs at public meetings, leading to safer and more efficient traffic operations. Improved driver acceptance can lead to cost savings for INDOT by reducing traffic incidents and the need of additional traffic management measures at innovative intersections, which may be required due to driver-related issues.
SPR-4931: Utilizing Emergency Management Audio Messages for Traffic Incident Management Performance Measures
Principal Investigators - Darcy Bullock, Daniel Saldivar-Carranza
Start Date - 09/01/2024
This research project will use transmissions on public safety radio channels from first responders to facilitate active incident management as well as after action reviews. The approach will focus on using opensource machine learning audio transcription techniques to transcribe scanner radio recordings into text from which relevant event and geospatial information can be extracted. The results of this project will provide INDOT with centralized dashboard on the state of its transportation network derived from emergency response personnel in both urban and rural settings, even when limited roadside camera coverage and ITS infrastructure is available.
SPR-4930: Further Refinement and Integrated Platform for INDOT Traffic Management and Safety Toolset
Principal Investigators - Stanley Chien, Yaobin Chen, Shu Hu
Start Date - 08/01/2024
This project addresses INDOT's need to use highway surveillance cameras to gather traffic information, such as flow rate, weaving data, and traffic anomaly detection. TASI and INDOT will work on two objectives: (1) the expansion and refinement of the anomaly detection method being developed, (2) the development of a user-friendly system that integrates the software developed for lane-based flowrate detection, weaving analysis, and anomaly detection in the past and present, and other TASI and INDOT jointly developed traffic management tools in the near future. The final system will be deployed to INDOT for daily operations.
SPR-4929: Deployment of LiDAR Based Detection Sensors at Road Intersections for Improved Pedestrian &Traffic Monitoring
Principal Investigators - Ayman Habib
Start Date - 08/01/2024
The Purdue team has been working with INDOT for several years on using LiDAR technology for mapping highways and estimating stockpile volumes in salt storage facilities. In the last few years, the application of LiDAR technology has expanded to include permanent installation at intersections for pedestrian/traffic monitoring. This project will assist INDOT in deploying and analyzing LiDAR technology at intersections.
SPR-4928: Connected Vehicle Trajectory Data to Screen Network for Hard Braking and Hard Acceleration Events
Principal Investigators - Darcy Bullock, Rahul Sakhare, Daniel Saldivar-Carranza
Start Date - 07/01/2024
Hard Braking data has been demonstrated as an important emerging data source that provides quicker feedback than crash data. There is now an opportunity to further apply hard braking/acceleration event data to identify and prioritize intersections (Signals, roundabouts, four way stops) for further safety study. This study will expand develop procedures for non-interstate routes to systematically screen all intersections (signals, roundabouts, stop controlled) on a monthly basis. Additional data sources, such as lane departure warning will also be evaluated.
SPR-4927: Bridge Data Virtual Validator
Principal Investigators - Jiansong Zhang, Yunfeng Chen
Start Date - 01/01/2025
This project has the following objectives/deliverables:
- A list of bridge data items, from where/whom/how each item is collected and used/consumed.
- Tools to cross validate bridge data items between Final Tracings documents; the interface should enable a website-based drag and drop operation similar to UDOT Validation and Conversion Tools.
- A manual of the tool with example illustrations of input, output, interface, screenshots, etc.
- Piloting results on a project as demo to show the use of the tool, most importantly, the validated results from the tool (bridge birth certificate) could be uploaded into iTAMS to start the bridge inspection file.
SPR-4926: Assessment of Culvert Sumping in Successfully Accomplishing IDEM Permit Requirements
Principal Investigators - Venkatesh Merwade
Start Date - 01/01/2025
This project aims to identify local culvert specifications, land use, soil and stream characteristics that can be used in making a sound decision on where to implement or not to implement culvert sumping alone as the sole measure to accomplish the proposed environmental or ecological goals of this practice. This project will deliver: (a) literature review and survey findings from neighboring states on culvert sumping implementation; (b) a database of all the sites selected in this study; (c) report detailing the scope of the study, methodology and results; and (c) a recommended procedure on how determine a location for achieving success with culvert sumping for INDOT projects.
SPR-4925: A Synthesis Study to Identify and Make Recommendations on The Appropriate Nondestructive Testing Tools for Bridge Beam Ends, Piers, Abutments
Principal Investigators - Mohammad Panjehpour (PU Fort Wayne), Prince Baah (INDOT)
Start Date - 02/01/2025
The goal of this research is to identify suitable NDT tools and techniques for bridge piers, beam ends, and abutments. This will result in time and cost savings without compromising structural integrity and improve the comprehension of inspectors and asset engineers regarding the application of NDT tools for specific issues.
SPR-4924: Numerical Modeling for Assessment and Evaluation of New and Retrofitted Bridge Rails Under Impact Load
Principal Investigators - Akanshu Sharma
Start Date - 10/01/2024
This project aims to develop alternate methods such as high-performance numerical 3D FE modeling and analysis of bridge railing systems. Guidelines will be developed for appropriate numerical modeling and dynamic (impact) analysis of bridge rails. The primary focus will be to evaluate F-shaped railings with existing anchor details, with further emphasis to determine whether that detail is for the deck mounted pedestrian railing (PF-1). This research will support INDOT's evaluation of retrofit bridge railings and could potentially be the basis for future evaluations of other railing types.
SPR-4923: Development of Design Guidelines and Static Design Method for Open-Ended Pipe Piles
Principal Investigators - Monica Prezz, Rodrigo Salgado
Start Date - 01/01/2025
The main goal of the research is to develop design guidelines for Open-Ended Pipe Piles that INDOT may follow, with special focus on soil conditions and pile geometries typical in Indiana. In addition, guidance will be provided on how to design open-ended pipe piles using software available to INDOT and consultants (e.g., Driven program).
SPR-4922: Identify Bridge Design Guidelines for Wildlife Crossings
Principal Investigators - Kyle Squillace
Start Date - 09/01/2024
When INDOT is designing a new or replacement bridge, the information needed for Wildlife Crossings from DNR is needed in the design process. This project will make detailed requirements for Wildlife Crossings from DNR available to INDOT earlier in the design process to avoid spending time and money on redesigns.
SPR-4921: Exploring Autonomous Maintenance Technologies (AMT) in INDOT Road Maintenance Activities – A Feasibility Study
Principal Investigators - Yiheng Feng, Yunfeng Chen
Start Date - 09/01/2024
This project will offer INDOT crucial insights, aiding in the adoption of various autonomous roadway maintenance technologies. These advancements are poised to significantly enhance the safety and productivity of INDOT workers. Additionally, this project serves as a foundational synthesis study, strategically prioritizing research needs to the USDOT AMT Pooled Fund Study. This prioritization will guide future research initiatives, ensuring that the most critical areas receive focused attention and resources, ultimately fostering the development and implementation of cutting-edge maintenance solutions across the nation.
SPR-4920: Three-dimensional Visibility and Legibility Zone and Human Information Processing of Arrow Boards on Truck-Mounted Attenuator (TMA) Trucks
Principal Investigators - Yunfeng Chen, Jiansong Zhang
Start Date - 08/12/2024
The study aims to optimize the visibility and legibility of arrow boards on TMA trucks to improve work zone safety. Project deliverables include: (1) A progress report to summarize the three-dimensional visibility and legibility zone of arrow boards on TMA trucks and its influencing factors. (2) An evaluation report of countermeasures to improve the visibility and legibility of arrow boards on TMA trucks. (3) The optimal countermeasure and the relationships between the three‐dimensional visibility and legibility zone and human information processing of drivers. (4) A final report documenting all findings and recommendations.
SPR-4919: Develop Resilient Modulus Percent Within Limits (PWL) Values for Specifying Pavement Subgrade Construciton in Performance-Bases Specifications
Principal Investigators - Peter Becker (INDOT)
Start Date - 09/15/2024
This research study aims to identify statistical measurements describing the distribution resilient modulus values for as-constructed CSS so that reliable PWL limits can be established.
SPR-4918: Approaches to Enhance Pavement Condition Evaluation Based on Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) Data
Principal Investigators - James Krogmeier, Yaguang Zhang
Start Date - 08/15/2024
This project will develop an Avena-powered hardware system to sample in-pavement sensors, host a camera package and analysis software, and integrate remote data storage and visualizations. The initial prototypes will be installed at the Accelerated Pavement Testing (APT) facility and I-65 near Lebanon, improving the utility of embedded pavement sensors for comprehensive road health monitoring.
SPR-4916: Approaches to Enhance Pavement Condition Evaluation Based on Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) Data
Principal Investigators - Mohammad Jahanshahi
Start Date - 09/01/2024
The project involves upgrading FWD vans with cameras and sensors to capture comprehensive pavement data, including images. The project will develop an autonomous data analysis application using machine learning to assess pavement health, a custom Python-based back-calculation tool, and an interactive web-based dashboard for visualizing data and results. These deliverables aim to improve pavement evaluation accuracy, streamline analysis workflows, and facilitate timely maintenance, ultimately extending the lifespan of road infrastructures.
SPR-4915: 3D GPR Applications for Network Level Testing
Principal Investigators - James Krogmeier, John Haddock, Seoghwan Cho (INDOT)
Start Date - 01/01/2025
The main objective of this study is the integration of 3D GPR data with deflection data either from existing FWD or soon to be available traffic speed deflectometer (TSD). To relate deflection measurements to pavement health metrics such as the modulus of elasticity or the structural number, finite element analysis requires estimates of pavement layer thickness and pavement type information. This project will investigate the use of 3D GPR for layer thickness estimation and perform a sensitivity analysis to quantify the effect of errors in layer thickness estimates in structural number computation.
SPR-4914: Review of INDOT Standard Aggregare Gradation
Principal Investigators - Jan Olek, Ayehsa Shah
Start Date - 01/06/2025
The objective of this study is to assess the benefits or disadvantages of adopting AASHTO gradation classification (M 43) in Indiana. It is anticipated that this will potentially reduce confusion and cost for aggregate producers who operate in Indiana and neighboring states when the national standards (AASHTO) are followed. An added benefit in adopting AASTHO aggregate sizes could be an improvement in quality of concrete produced resulting from more optimized gradation. If found to be beneficial, the study aims to provide guidelines for the implementation of AASHTO standards.
SPR-4913: Investigation of Longitudinal Joint Sealant Properties for Enhanced Durability of HMA Pavements
Principal Investigators - Ayehsa Shah, Jan Olek
Start Date - 01/06/2025
The objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness of using fog sealing over surface longitudinal joints. A similar assessment of VRAM application will also be studied. The relative effectiveness of the two longitudinal joint treatment methods may be gauged by the elapsed time to first repair of the joints after treatment application. The study will also examine cases of debonding or poor adhesion of pavement marking material in cases where fog sealing was used. The end goal of this study is to identify the better of the two joint treatments, fog seal versus VRAM, for state-wide adoption.
SPR-4912: Development of Level 1 Binder Property Input for AASHTO Pavement ME Design
Principal Investigators - Jusang Lee (INDOT), John Haddock
Start Date - 01/01/2025
Outcomes from the proposed project will provide proper material inputs regarding the INDOT MSCR - 28°C PG implementation in Indiana asphalt pavement design. Project deliverables will be the quantified impact of the INDOT MSCR PG on pavement designs and recommend categorized asphalt property design level 1 inputs.
SPR-4911: Concrete Pavement and Bridget Deck Friction Development and Retention
Principal Investigators - Jan Olek, Ayehsa Shah
Start Date - 01/06/2025
The proposed work will be a combination of synthesis of existing practices pertaining to friction properties and testing of concrete pavement surfaces which will enable for development of guidelines related to ensuring long lasting skid resistance. This may be attained by a combination of measures such as revised design policies, material specifications, contract specifications and related procedures.
SPR-4910: Review of Pavement ME Design Version 3.0
Principal Investigators - Jusang Lee (INDOT), John Haddock
Start Date - 07/01/2025
INDOT has implemented PMED Version 2.6, incorporating updates from a Joint Transportation Research Program (JTRP) study (SPR-4447). The recent release of PMED Version 3.0 introduces enhanced prediction models, new asphalt overlay features, and improved tools for back calculation. However, the transition to PMED Version 3.0 presents challenges that require focused study to ensure a smooth implementation. The project deliverables will include recommendations for successfully implementing PMED Version 3.0.
SPR-4909: Evaluation of Superpave 5 Asphalt Mixtures with Volume of Effective Binder Specification Changes
Principal Investigators - John Haddock, Seoghwan Cho (INDOT), Pablo Orosa Iglesias
Start Date - 01/01/2025
After a thorough laboratory investigation and several trial field projects, INDOT adopted the necessary specification changes to make the Superpave 5 asphalt mixture design method the standard asphalt mixture design method in Indiana. Today, the first Superpave 5-designed asphalt mixtures have reached 5 years of service life and therefore the data exists to further evaluate the hypothesis that increased as-constructed asphalt pavement density increases asphalt pavement performance. This project will collect and analyze the data to compare Superpave 5 and the previously standard Superpave 4-designed asphalt mixtures.
SPR-4908: Potential Implications of Pore Solution Composition of Type IL Cement on the Curability of Concrete
Principal Investigators - Jan Olek, Raikhan Tokpatayeva
Start Date - 01/01/2025
The study will provide INDOT with information on how the alteration in pore solution composition due to the use of limestone cement can impact durability of concrete with respect to chemical stability of hydration products, corrosion resistance of reinforcement, sulfate resistance and performance in aggressive environment. The possible, practical deliverables of this study will include: (i) Possible changes to the current standard testing procedures, (ii) development of predictive model, based on the inter‐relationship between the chemistry of the pore solution of the Type IL cementitious system, and durability performance of the Type IL concrete.
SPR-4907: Systemwide Asset Condition Assessment using Connected Vehicle Data
Principal Investigators - Darcy Bullock, Jijo Mathew
Start Date - 07/01/2024
This research project will investigate the feasibility of connected vehicle data to monitor the pavement conditions and ride quality on Indiana roads, in near real-time. The routine monitoring of pavement condition from this crowd-sourced data will be beneficial for agile prioritization of maintenance activities and longer term capital projects. It is envisioned the findings of this project could also be useful to local agencies.
SPR-4906: Development of Indiana-Specific Trip Generation Procedures & Models of e-Commerce Demand: Implications for INDOT's Travel Demand Modeling and Investment Planning
Principal Investigators - Nadia Gkritza, Hua Cai
Start Date - 07/01/2024
The objective of this project is twofold. The first part of the project aims to refine the trip generation process by utilizing Indiana‐specific data for the most commonly utilized land uses. The second part of the project proposes to conduct a survey to update the e‐commerce data collected as part of SPR 4608 and update the agent‐based travel demand simulation model. This project will help INDOT i) more accurately predict expected development traffic and better align required improvements with generated traffic, and ii) incorporate potential travel demand changes related to e‐commerce in ISTDM and INDOT’s planning process.
SPR-4905: Feasibility Study on the Development of Indiana's Connected and Automated Vehicle Roadmap and Strategic Plan
Principal Investigators - Yaobin Chen, Ziran Wang
Start Date - 07/01/2024
SPR-4900: Attracting and Retaining the Transportation Workforce and At-Risk Targeted Areas
Principal Investigators - Steven Dunlop, Satish Ukkusuri
Start Date - 10/01/2024
Attracting and retaining a skilled workforce at Departments of Transportation (DOTs) poses significant challenges. Public sector agencies often struggle to retain mid-level supervisors and managers, who are critical due to their experience and leadership roles. This project takes a broader, more strategic approach to addressing workforce challenges such as retention, diversity, and skill gaps. Beyond just training, this project will enhance workforce retention through professional development, promote diversity to better reflect community demographics, and identify critical skills needed for emerging technologies.
SPR-4865: INDOT Research Program Benefit Cost Analysis – Return on Investment (ROI)
Principal Investigators - Bob McCullouch
Start Date - 07/01/2024
This project will analyze research projects on an annual basis from a cost benefit perspective. From individual project analyses, an overall Return on Investment will be calculated for the Research Program. Results will be reported annually through an end of the year report.
SPR-4863: Development of Traffic Speed Deflectometer Program for Indiana
Principal Investigators - James Krogmeier, Tommy Nantung (INDOT)
Start Date - 09/01/2024
The project will deliver to INDOT a complete Traffic Speed Deflectometer (TSD) system including equipment, electronics and computing, operator display, and the software required for operation. In addition, calibration procedures will be developed along with training for INDOT engineers.
SPR-4862: Synthesis Study on Applying Solar Power Systems in Indiana's Righ of Way (ROW) and INDOT-Owned Facilities
Principal Investigators - Soowon Chang, Yunfeng Chen
Start Date - 12/01/2023
The synthesis study aims to summarize the current state of the art and practice related to implementing solar power energy systems in Indiana Right of Way (ROW) and INDOT-owned facilities, identify potential ROW sites suitable for the development of solar energy systems, and specify the considerations and requirements for the development, implementation, and maintenance of the projects within the proposed sites.
SPR-4860: Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) Benchmark Project for Indiana Asphalt and Concrete Pavements
Principal Investigators - John Haddock
Start Date - 01/01/2024
Environmental product declarations (EPD), in conjunction with mixture and pavement testing will provide data and a framework for guidance to make decisions for a high-quality and more sustainable asphalt and concrete mixtures. The data will be used to create benchmarks for Indiana asphalt and concrete mixtures and their environmental impact using EPD reports.
SPR-4857: Statewide Screening of Signalized Intersections for Capacity Improvements
Principal Investigators - Darcy Bullock
Start Date - 07/01/2023
The 13 billion connected vehicle records Indiana ingests each month provide the opportunity to perform network wide analysis that has never been done before, but in its native format (3 second latitude and longitude positions), the connected vehicle records are data rich, information poor (DRIP). The objective of this project is to reduce this data set down to a table of metrics that can be used by INDOT to identify capital improvement projects on both a corridor and a movement by movement basis for signalized intersections on INDOT highways.
SPR-4856: Receiver, Vehicle, and Roadway Systems for a Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer Roadway Testbed
Principal Investigators - John Haddock, Dionysios Aliprantis, Aaron Brovont, Nadia Gkritza, Steven Pekarek
Start Date - 09/01/2023
This project will support the installation of a one-quarter mile long dynamic wireless power transfer (DWPT) testbed on northbound US-231 in West Lafayette. At the end of this project, INDOT will have a fully functional pilot DWPT constructed and key testing of the performance of the system will be performed.
SPR-4855: Anomaly Detection in Traffic Patterns Using INDOT Camera System
Principal Investigators - Stanley Chien (IUPUI), Yaobin Chen (IUPUI),Lauren Christopher
Start Date - 08/01/2023
INDOT cameras at each highway location can provide lane-level traffic flow data from TASI’s previous project. The primary goal for this project is to identify anomalies in traffic data patterns using a trained Neural Network, and store short video recordings of these anomalies as they are detected for review. The Neural Network can be trained using previously obtained week, month, or year traffic flow data and be used to distinguish in-distribution from out-of-distribution by comparing new data to the previous data.
This project was completed as of September 24, 2024. A final report is pending.
SPR-4854: MOT for MOT
Principal Investigators - Darcy Bullock
Start Date - 07/01/2023
Developing a shared vision among stakeholders and a “playbook” on MOT for MOT is highly desirable. Well designed temporary MOT procedures and standards are important to ensure safe operation of the work zone during MOT change. Developing a shared vision between designers, contractors and work zone subcontractors on how to design MOT during MOT will provide safer work zones for both contractors and motorist.
SPR-4853: Effective Shoulder Width on Rural Highway System Related to Roadway Departure Crashes
Principal Investigators - Andrew Tarko, Mario Romero, Jose Thomaz
Start Date - 08/15/2023
This study will evaluate the safety effect of shoulder width in rural areas under different road and traffic conditions to avoid unnecessary construction costs (too wide shoulders) and/or excessive road users costs (too narrow shoulder widths). Estimated Crash Modification Factors or Functions (CMFs) at three levels of crash severity will help develop a proper level of design depending on the road curvature and the character of the surrounding terrain. The average costs of offroad crashes under various traffic and road conditions will be estimated to be used in benefit-cost analyses.
SPR-4852: Safety Performance of Centerline Paved Pavement Markers
Principal Investigators - Andrew Tarko, Mario Romero, Jose Thomaz
Start Date - 08/15/2023
The study will estimate the safety effect of raised pavement markers (RPMs) installed on Indiana rural two-lane roads with various road horizonal alignments. The results will include Indiana Crash Modification Factors/Functions (CMFs) to support effective use of RPMs in conjunction with other safety improvement solutions. The CMFs at three levels of crash severity outcome will be implemented in the Indiana safety management and its decision making. The project is also aimed to evaluate the safety effectiveness of the centerline RPMs applied in combination with rumble stripes to identify the conditions where this joint treatment is advantageous. Specific recommendations will be provided for specific traffic conditions, speed, and roadway characteristics.
SPR-4851: Development of Incident Management Performance Measure Database and IN Time Training Material
Principal Investigators - Darcy Bullock
Start Date - 07/01/2023
This project will develop a series of after-action analyses using connected vehicle data (and cameras where available). These after-action analyses will be used to populate a statewide database to identify regions of the state where there may be an opportunity to do some IN Time Training. Furthermore, assembling a series of after actions that illustrate good practices (and perhaps some less than good practices) will provide foundational training material that IN Time trainers can use.
SPR-4850: Continued Deployment of Indiana Work Zone Analytics
Principal Investigators - Darcy Bullock, Jairaj Desai
Start Date - 07/01/2023
This project will support the weekly work zone reports that are distributed to over 100 stakeholders around the state to show changes in weekly crash rates, changes in connected vehicle hardbraking, and changes in congestion. Those reports have been extremely successful in rapidly identifying work zone MOTs that have opportunities for improvement.
SPR-4845: Investigate Existing Foundation Geotechnical Parameters and Compare These Strengths, Based on Current LRFD Codes
Principal Investigators - Erik Loehr (University of Missouri), Brent Rosenblad (University of Missouri), Andrew Boeckmann (Dan Brown & Associates)
Start Date - 01/01/2024
The project will create standardized procedures for reuse of existing bridge foundations that include two important components: (1) field investigation methods and (2) design procedures. Application of the procedures will result in more applications of foundation reuse, greater consistency among reuse projects, more efficient design processes, and substantial cost, time, and mobility savings associated with foundation reuse.
SPR-4844: Analysis of DownDrag Loads Using the Neutral Plan Method
Principal Investigators - Monica Prezz, Rodrigo Salgado
Start Date - 04/30/2024
INDOT developed a preliminary procedure internally to locate the neutral plane. To assess the validity of its procedure, INDOT has identified a construction project on US 31 in Marshall County to instrument and monitor..The research tasks of the project include analyzing the data collected over time from the strain gauges installed on the test pile, performing a few numerical simulations of the test pile under field conditions to help with accurate location of the neutral plane, assessing INDOT’s procedure for location of the neutral considering the data collected in this construction project and the result of the simulations, suggesting modifications to INDOT’s procedure as needed, based on the data analyses, and proposing guidelines for future projects in which downdrag must be considered.
SPR-4843: Advancing Accelerated Bridge Construction and Fabrication in Indiana
Principal Investigators - Ashley Thrall (University of Notre Dame)
Start Date - 05/01/2024
The proposed research aims to increase the use of accelerated bridge construction (ABC) and accelerated bridge fabrication (ABF) in Indiana as these technologies have the potential to address INDOT needs related to improving construction time (both onsite construction time and total project delivery time), project cost, and work zone safety (for both the traveling public and construction workers). The focus would be on the scoping stage, with the goal of triggering which projects are candidates for ABC or ABF early in the process. Research will culminate in guidelines and recommendations for implementing ABC/ABF in Indiana.
SPR-4840: Physics-based Modelling of Concrete Degration Phenomena: Impact of Constrcution Defects on Long Term Cost and Material Properties
Principal Investigators - Shirley Dyke, Julio Ramirez
Start Date - 12/01/2023
This project aims at providing a methodology to quantify the additional costs that certain construction defects (with excessive air voids, in thin and rigid deck overlays) will have on the service life of a bridge deck. The performance of the deck throughout its life span will be described using the concepts of durability and service load performance such as cracking and deflections. A stochastic chemical-mechanical model will be developed, for both standard and non-standard construction cases, including the effects of properly and improperly executed interventions on the concrete deck. Recommendations will be identified.
SPR-4839: Evaluation of Utilizing 3D GPR for Quality Assurance of Bridge Deck Rebar Cover and Delamination Screening
Principal Investigators - Dwayne Harris (INDOT)
Start Date - 09/01/2023
The main objective is to verify that INDOT’s 3D GPR system will provide rebar cover thickness estimates that are accurate and precise enough to be utilized for quality assurance (QA) of rebar cover thickness for newly constructed bridge decks. The research will also examine utilizing the 3D GPR for delamination screening.
SPR-4838: Automated Personalized Ergonomic Risk Report Generation System
Principal Investigators - Yunfeng Chen, Jiansong Zhang, Yiheng Feng
Start Date - 09/01/2023
This project aims to develop an automated and holistic ergonomic risk evaluation system for INDOT workers performing transportation-related activities. It will identify activities of high ergonomic risks, explore required physiological and behavioral data, pinpoint root risk causes and potential solutions, and develop approaches to automatically generating personalized risk reports.
SPR-4837: Preventative Flagging Operations for Enhancing Stationary and Mobile Work Zone Safety
Principal Investigators - Sogan Hasanzadeh, Behzad Esmaeili, Brandon Pitts
Start Date - 09/15/2023
This project assesses flagging operation alternatives to better protect flaggers who work in dangerous environments, provide motorists with more effective traffic and warning, and develop a decision-making matrix based on contextual analysis to help select the most appropriate work flagging operation practices depending on a roadway, work zone, and activity characteristics.
SPR-4836: Best Practices for Implementing Driving Simulators in INDOT Driver Training
Principal Investigators - Soowon Chang, Luciana Debs, Yunfeng Chen, Jiansong Zhang
Start Date - 07/01/2023
Driving simulators can provide many benefits, such as safely training drivers for adverse weather and road conditions. However, there is a lack of information about the effectiveness of this type of training and initial equipment cost is expensive. Therefore, the present project provides INDOT with best practices in the use of driving simulators in their driver training programs by (a) identifying ideal modules for new INDOT CDL drives and snowplow drivers, trainees’ perceptions, and performance, and (b) elaborating a business case that explores other agencies experiences and potential to maximize the equipment investments to state constituents.
SPR-4835: Integrated Smart Workzone
Principal Investigators - Sogan Hasanzadeh, Behzad Esmaeili, Yiheng Feng, Su Lu
Start Date - 10/15/2023
This proposal aims to enhance work zone safety by developing an integrated and holistic IoT‐based smart work zone system that can be applied to enhance mobile and stationary work zone safety.
SPR-4834: Riprap and Aggregate Polyurethane Stabilization for Drainage, Erosion Control and Road
Principal Investigators - Erol Tutumluer (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Start Date - 08/16/2023
This study presents a comprehensive investigation of polyurethane-bonded aggregate layers for drainage and erosion control applications in two phases. In Phase 1, laboratory tasks include identifying suitable aggregate sources, characterizing physical properties, optimizing mix proportions and mixing methods, and conducting comprehensive laboratory testing. Phase 2 focuses on site selection, construction, and in-situ performance monitoring. The study aims to optimize design parameters, assess environmental impact, and provide guidelines for successful implementation of polyurethanebonded aggregate technology.
SPR-4833: Non-destructive Roller-Integrated Acoustic Wave Detection Technique for Continuous Subgrade Soil Compaction Evaluation
Principal Investigators - Sarah Khoshnevisan (University of Cincinnati)
Start Date - 08/01/2023
This research project aims to revolutionize the evaluation of compaction levels and uniformity at construction sites by implementing cutting-edge non-destructive methods. By utilizing this innovative methodology, we anticipate significant benefits such as time savings, reduced labor requirements, cost savings, and a more comprehensive assessment of compaction across the entire site.
SPR-4832: A Digital Inspection System for Training Construction Inspectors
Principal Investigators - Hubo Cai, Dulcy Abraham
Start Date - 08/01/2023
Construction inspection is critical to the quality and long-term performance of infrastructure assets. There is a critical need for effective tools to train novice inspectors and provide updated information for experienced inspectors. This project develops a digital inspection training system. Main deliverables include a digital inspection training system for on-demand training of inspectors, and a training program that can be integrated with INDOT’s learning system.
SPR-4830: Moisture Control and Performance Evaluation for Asphalt-Treated Cold Recycled Pavements (CIR and FDR)
Principal Investigators - Seonghwan Cho (INDOT), John Haddock,
Start Date - 03/01/2024
The main objective is to establish a practical method to optimize the curing process of ATCR pavements based on the measured moisture contents, and thereby to achieve desirable pavement performance. The accuracy of electrical resistance and GPR measurements for moisture content prediction will be evaluated, and a more accurate and practical method will be selected as a quality control tool. In addition, the effect of moisture content on ATCR material performance will be evaluated to determine the optimum moisture content. Consequently, this study will provide well-established protocol to determine when the ATCR pavements achieve desirable performance to be opened to traffic, based on the moisture contents.
SPR-4827: Develop a Perfromance-Related QA Testing Method for Accepting MSE Wall Coarse Aggregate Reinforced Backfill Compaction Acceptance
Principal Investigators - Peter Becker (INDOT)
Start Date - 01/01/2024
INDOT intends to only allow coarse aggregates for MSE wall backfill. Accepting compaction of such materials currently requires a method specification approach in which acceptance is based on how well the contractor follows a prescribed construction methodology that requires constant supervision from project inspection personnel. This research study aims to develop performance-related acceptance criteria and/or testing procedures for MSE wall backfill compaction.
SPR-4824: Understanding of Reflective Cracking Using Accelerated Pavement Testing
Principal Investigators - Jusang Lee (INDOT), John Haddock
Start Date - 03/01/2024
Outcomes from the proposed project will provide a better understanding of asphalt mixture overlay reflective cracking and improved calibration factors for use in the PEMD software.
SPR-4823: Systematic Study of Type 1L Cement for Mixture Optimization and Carbon Reduction
Principal Investigators - Na (Luna) Lu, Yining Feng
Start Date - 09/01/2023
Portland limestone (i.e., Type 1L) cement is being used to replace ordinary Portland cement to reduce carbon emissions. The reduction of around 10% of cement clinker and its replacement with limestone powder can greatly reduce the energy consumption by cement production. This project will conduct a comprehensive study on the performance of Type 1L cement provided by various suppliers. It will thoroughly investigate all performance related properties, including but not limited to, fresh properties, air void system, mechanical strength, and durability of the hardened concrete, etc.
SPR-4822: Implementation Studey for In-Place Testing of Asphalt-Treated Cold Recycled Pavements
Principal Investigators - John Haddock
Start Date - 01/01/2024
This research will evaluate existing in-place mechanical test methods and provide guidance on the methods for use with cold recycled asphalt mixtures, specifically, FDR, CIR, and CCPR. The results of the selected test, or tests can then be used to make time critical decisions regarding final surface placement and traffic resumption on the recycled pavements. Additionally, the research will determine PEMD design inputs for FDR, CIR, and CCPR recycled pavements for use in designing such pavements.
SPR-4821: Vlidating Construction Practices and Material Performance Through Non-Destructive Testing: A Case Study Approach to Documenting Project Quality
Principal Investigators - Jan Olek
Start Date - 01/01/2024
INDOT Asset Management group is embarking on a multi-decade plan to update main rural interstate corridors with full depth reconstruction and added travel lanes. The proposed research will collect, document, and analyze data from two ongoing (active) projects to refine the existing draft version of the Unique Special Provision (USP). Subsequently, the refined USP will be used during the construction of two pilot-projects (“Case Studies”) with the goal to quantify the quality and reliability of the constructed product.
SPR-4820: Enhanced Methods to Evaluate Flexible Pavement Moisture Damage and Interface Bonding Conditions Using the 3D Ground Penetrating Radar and Falling Deflectometer
Principal Investigators - Seonghwan Cho (INDOT), James Krogmeier, John Haddock
Start Date - 09/01/2023
The main objective is to develop methodology to evaluate the potential of flexible pavement distresses related to moisture damage and layer interface debonding based on the 3D GPR and FWD deflections. A field investigation will be conducted to establish a framework to identify moisture damage and layer interface debonding using the 3D GPR data. Relationships between FWD deflections and degree of layer interface bonding will be identified using numerical analyses and field investigation. Consequently, a new practical protocol will be developed to evaluate the moisture damage and layer interface bonding conditions of in-service flexible pavements based on 3D GPR and FWD data.
SPR-4819: Synthesis Study: Review of Durability and Performance of the Latest Epoxy-Coated Rebar
Principal Investigators - Julio Ramirez
Start Date - 12/01/2023
The content of this comprehensive synthesis study will summarize the state-of-the-art in epoxy-coated reinforcing steel used in bridge concrete structures with two deliverables at Months 8 and 10. The final report will summarize Deliverables 1 and 2 containing the latest knowledge in epoxy-coated bars with regards to use, durability, performance, and DOT practices related to corrosion protection systems. The use of epoxy coated bars together with adequate concrete cover and quality of concrete offers the potential to extend the concrete bridge service life at a fraction of cost and downtime compared to methods without significant financial burden serving the users well into the future.
This project was completed as of January 23, 2025. A final report is pending.
SPR-4816: Pedestrian and Bicyclist Trespassing Impacts on Rail Grade Crossings Safety and Mobility
Principal Investigators - Shanyue Guan
Start Date - 09/01/2023
This project will investigate pedestrian and bicyclist violations at highway-rail grade crossings. Data on pedestrian and bicyclist violations will be collected from existing INDOT and FRA records, and traffic video surveillance. A marginal analysis will be adopted to quantitatively explain the marginal effects of each independent variable on each injury level. Based on discussions with INDOT several grade crossings will be selected as a testbed to conduct this research. At the end of this project, our team will provide INDOT with some suggestions to improve the highway-rail grade crossing safety in Indiana.
SPR-4815: Development of Dashboards and Procedures for Using Connected Vehicle Data to Prioritize Investments in Electric Vehicl Related Infrastructure
Principal Investigators - Darcy Bullock, Jairaj Desai
Start Date - 08/01/2023
Dashboards and Monthly Reporting procedures will be developed and standardized in conjunction with input from the SAC over the course of this project. These dashboards and reports will be used to assess the implementation of Indiana’s EV Infrastructure Deployment Plan as well as the growth of Electric Vehicle adoption in the state. Such reporting will additionally help identify AFCs and Intercity Travel routes most preferred by drivers for EV usage as a reference for future investment and corridor development.
SPR-4812: The Business Case for Sustainable Road Infrastructure Development
Principal Investigators - Samuel Labi, Kumares Sinha, Nadia Gkritza
Start Date - 09/01/2023
This study will identify sustainable development (SD) opportunities at each phase of infrastructure development; identify/demonstrate exposure metrics for sustainability assessment; document/evaluate trends in SD metrics in Indiana’s transportation; identify carbon credit markets that Indiana could partake; develop SD business-case framework; assess SD impacts on other sectors; and identify ways to integrate SD into INDOT’s culture.
SPR-4811: Simulating Current and Future EV Growth Scenarios in Indiana
Principal Investigators - Satish Ukkusuri, Nadia Gkritza
Start Date - 10/16/2023
The project will integrate the current and future demand scenarios developed from SPR 4706 and understand the supply side impacts of EV growth using metrics related to travel patterns, demand at charging stations, trip lengths, charging station usage and return on investment. The project will further the EV strategic planning of the Indiana.
SPR-4810: Feasibility of Utilizing Native Grasses and Other Vegetation In Lieu of Exotic Cool Season Grasses
Principal Investigators - Jeffrey Matthews (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Rabin Bhattarai (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Start Date - 07/01/2023
This project will develop recommendations and an updated specification of native seeding mixtures for planting on INDOT’s right-of-way (ROW) areas. Specific objectives are to: (1) Evaluate previously planted ROW locations to determine long-term planting success, and (2) Develop recommendations for updating INDOT seeding standards to focus on predominantly native seed mixes that would be applicable in various ROW settings. Specific deliverables will include progress reports to INDOT, a final report to INDOT with recommended specifications, a manuscript for publication in a scientific journal, and a presentation at a regional or national scientific conference.
SPR-4808: Reducing the Dependency on Chlorides & Impacts
Principal Investigators - David Yu, Samuel Labi, Amisha Shah
Start Date - 01/01/2024
This project will develop an agency-level program initiative to reduce the use and impacts of chlorides while not compromising the state’s traffic safety and flows in winter times. A three-pronged approach will be used to aid INDOT in developing this future strategy: (i) a comprehensive and comparative analysis of different de-/anti-icing materials and their impacts; (ii) an analysis of operational rules, methods, and tools that crew and staff use in the stages of storage, transporting, and application of chlorides, and (iii) development of a pilot “awareness” program for the INDOT workforce that promotes a culture of sensitivity and discreteness toward salt usage.
SPR-4807: Mobile Work Barrier Implementation Study
Principal Investigators - Sogan Hasanzadeh
Start Date - 11/01/2023
This project aims to provide a comprehensive guide and implementation plans for successfully adopting the mobile barrier as a positive protection system and enhancing work zone safety.
SPR-4806: INDOT Training Gap Analysis, Developing a Training Program for INDOT Workforce Development (new, Front-line and Supervisors) and Smart Tool for Effective Planning for Workforce
Principal Investigators - Steven Dunlop, Satish Ukkusuri, Yunfeng Chen
Start Date - 10/15/2023
The public transportation agencies in the Department of Transportation (DOTs), face significant challenges in retaining the workforce that threaten the sustainability of their operations. INDOT needs a systematic and thorough assessment of current workforce development needs by conducting a gap analysis, prioritizing workforce development needs, and proposing 2 or 3 executive courses targeting the gaps. This study will allow for developing a strategic plan for the next five years.
SPR-4805: The Development of a Comprehensive Training and Toolkit for Recruitment and Retention of Women and Racial Minoritites in the Heavy Highway Industry
Principal Investigators - Charlotte Westerhaus-Renfrow (IUPUI)
Start Date - 01/05/2024
This project will take INDOT’s current affirmative action data and develop a comprehensive training and toolkit for recruitment and retention of women and racial minorities in the heavy highway industry.
SPR-4804: Roadside Right-of-Way Maintenance Strategies
Principal Investigators - Cheryl Daniels (Davey Resource Group, Inc.)
Start Date - 11/01/2023
Vegetation management BMPs will be updated through improved work planning, updated design standards, and identification of new tools and technology to identify potential cost savings. These updates will increase staff safety; reduce vegetation management hours; improve processes and procedures, asset preservation, design standards, and specifications; and provide a better understanding of the public’s desires for roadside aesthetics. This research will result in the creation of an interim report, a final report, and multiple implementation activities.
SPR-4803: Communication of Fixed and Mobile Warning to Commercial Trucks Using In Cab Notification
Principal Investigators - Darcy Bullock
Start Date - 10/01/2023
This project will develop a working group including INDOT District and Central Office staff to coordinate with commercial vehicle in cab telematics companies to develop process for providing both automated and manual alerts to commercial trucks in Indiana. We plan to use CV data to evaluate an Ohio deployment to help inform us on best practices and expected impact.
SPR-4800: Assessing the Asset Management Programs of Locals including Bridges and Pavement Condition
Principal Investigators - Samuel Labi, Kumares Sinha
Start Date - 08/01/2023
The study will examine what trends exist specifically at the town level and is expected to lead to possible recommendations geared towards the smaller communities. The study will examine the effect of increased “buy-in” at the local level through AMS on overall asset conditions, the quality of current AMS, and if there exist any areas of teaching/best practices that could help communities that may not be using their AMS to make decisions at the local level.
This project was completed as of January 13, 2025. A final report is pending.
SPR-4754: INDOT Research & Development Testing Assessment
Principal Investigators - James Handy
Start Date - 07/01/2023
INDOT Research and Development wants an assessment of their current testing areas related to their Specialized Testing Programs (STPs), both current and projected. The requests for testing under the STP continue to increase, in some cases exponentially. Resources needed (e.g., equipment, manpower, budgets, etc.), current capacity, expected increase in capacity, and data analytics scope need to be standardized and captured to make the proper management decisions to properly plan for the current and future STPs. This project will address these concerns and needs and will result in a functional prototype process and analysis program.
SPR-4751: Investigation of Low Friction on Asphalt Pavements
Principal Investigators - Jusang Lee (INDOT), Shuo Li (INDOT), Yi Jiang
Start Date - 01/01/2023
Over the course of three years, Crawfordsville District has discovered low friction results on 12 sections of roadways that were overlaid within three years of each other. Finding a cause (s) and a solution to the low friction is critical in providing drivers with skid-safe roadways.
SPR-4744: Investigate Safety Performance of Non-Signalized Traffic Control Strategies
Principal Investigators - Andrew Tarko, Mario Romero
Start Date - 11/15/2022
This project will study safety performance of conflict warning and other operational improvements applied at non-signalized intersections in Indiana and other states.
This project was completed as of February 26, 2025. A final report is pending.
SPR-4742: Development of Web Port for the Management, Visualization, and Analysis of Collected Mobile LiDAR Data along Indiana's Transportation Corridors
Principal Investigators - Ayman Habib, Jinha Jung
Start Date - 01/01/2023
SPR-4741: Leveraging LiDAR Intensity to Evaluate Roadway Pavement Marking Retro-Reflectivity
Principal Investigators - Ayman Habib, Darcy Bullock
Start Date - 09/01/2022
This proposal aims at investigating the use of LiDAR intensity to evaluate the lane marking reflectivity and allow INDOT to enforce contractor pavement marking warranties with it.
This project was completed as of October 21, 2024. A final report is pending.
SPR-4739: Sinusoidal Rumble Strips Measures of Effectiveness
Principal Investigators - Andrew Tarko, Mario Romero
Start Date - 08/15/2022
This project will estimate and compare the safety performance of conventional and sinusoidal rumble strips to inform INDOT’s decision of rumble strip design. Edge-line rumble stripes narrower than standard 12” will be checked for safety and warning effectiveness to accommodate pedestrians and bicyclists within existing road shoulders together with stripes. Crash Modification Factors will be estimated for several types of crashes at three levels of crash severity to help select alternative safety countermeasures including rumble stripes lateral location: centerline only, shoulder only, and centerline plus shoulder.
This project was completed as of February 25, 2025. A final report is pending.
SPR-4738: Origin-Destination Counts in Weaving Area Utilizing Existing Field Data
Principal Investigators - Stanley Chien (IUPUI), Yaobin Chen (IUPUI), Christopher Lauren (IUPUI)
Start Date - 07/01/2022
Vehicle weaving describes the trajectories of vehicles that change lanes in areas between ramp merge and diverge junctions. Especially during heavy traffic, vehicle weaving will slow traffic, cause congestion, and cause a higher possibility of crashes. The primary goal of this proposed research is to develop an efficient and effective method to quantitatively determine the vehicle weaving at specific highway locations using CCTV cameras. The outcome of this research will provide INDOT with an effective tool to improve the design of vehicle weaving areas for reduced traffic congestion and enhanced safety.
This project was completed as of December 19, 2023. A final report is pending.
SPR-4737: Development of Business Processes to Prioritize Traffic Signal Re-Timing and Assess Impact of Re-Timing Activities
Principal Investigators - Darcy Bullock
Start Date - 12/01/2022
SPR-4736: A Study of Suburban Arterial Safety Performance Based on Median Type
Principal Investigators - Andrew Tarko, Mario Romero
Start Date - 08/15/2022
There is a need for guidance on selecting a proper median type when planning significant work on suburban arterial roadways to properly balance their safety and accessibility. This guidance will be based on the density of local land use, needs for access, traffic volumes, and desired speed limit. Equations, tables, and graphs, whichever most appropriate, will be provided to decide between a two-way left-turn lane and a continuous median with openings and their design.
This project was completed as of February 24, 2025. A final report is pending.
SPR-4734: Expediting and Enhancing the Hydraulic Site Data Collection Process
Principal Investigators - Mohammad Jahanshahi, Ayman Habib
Start Date - 01/03/2023
The deliverable of this project will be a report that studies the feasibility of using existing, commercially available off-the-shelf hardware that can be used for contactless estimation on relative elevation.
SPR-4733: Steel Bridge Inspection, Assessment, Repair, and Management under FIRE
Principal Investigators - Amit Varma, Akanshu Sharma, Lisa Choe
Start Date - 01/03/2023
The proposed project combines experimental work, material testing, and numerical analysis to develop comprehensive research-based inspection, assessment, and repair guidelines for steel bridges. These guidelines will be implemented in the INDOT Bridge Inspection Manual with the help of the SAC members and other INDOT engineers.
SPR-4732: Development of Guidelines for Use and Design of Deep Foundations for Three-Sided Structures
Principal Investigators - Rodrigo Salgado, Monica Prezzi
Start Date - 01/01/2023
The project will develop guidance for how to distribute loads to deep foundations supporting buried three-sided structures and how to design these foundations.
SPR-4731: Feasibility of 3D Scanning Technology for Bridge Inspection and Management
Principal Investigators - Jungil Seo, Amit Varma, Kyubyung Kang
Start Date - 01/09/2023
The deliverable for this project is an automated framework that can utilize 3D scanned data for assessing the residual capacities of bridge members. The framework can include software developed by the Purdue research team or a set of macros. Additionally, project progress reports will be submitted every six months, and a final project report summarizing the findings at the end of the project.
SPR-4730: Widening Reinforced Concrete Elements using Chemical Anchoring Systems (Post-installed Rebar Systems)
Principal Investigators - Akanshu Sharma
Start Date - 12/01/2022
This project investigates the structural behavior of extended bridge slabs using post-installed rebar systems and aims to develop guidelines for the design and construction of widened bridge slabs using post-installed rebar systems.
SPR-4729: Evaluation of the Accuracy of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Methods for the Condition Assessment of Bridge Decks and integration of NDT into the Asset Management Program
Principal Investigators - Akanshu Sharma, Samuel Labi
Start Date - 09/01/2022
This project will study NDT methods to evaluate their accuracy and dependability in assessing the actual condition of bridges decks and reliably detecting anomalies. Recommended processes and guidelines for implementing an NDT-based measure into the state’s bridge asset management program will be developed. This research project is focused on comparing NDT results to actual bridge deck conditions and using the findings to incorporate NDT into the asset management program.
SPR-4728: Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) Overlay Performance Evaluation
Principal Investigators - Jusang Lee (INDOT), John Haddock, Mohammadreza Mirzhosseini
Start Date - 01/01/2023
INDOT is experiencing the second round of SMA pavement rehabilitation, which provides an excellent opportunity to quantitatively review SMA performances and evaluate INDOT’s return-on-investment (ROI).
SPR-4727: Practical Implementation of Superabsorbent Polymers for Internally Cured Concrete
Principal Investigators - Kendra Erk, Jan Olek
Start Date - 01/01/2023
This project will determine practical ways to utilize superabsorbent polymer (SAP) internal curing agents in concrete mixtures composed ofType IL cement and other supplementary cementitious materials, including slag, silica fume, and E5® nanosilica. Evidence-based guidance will be provided on specific implementation strategies, including SAP delivery method, batching sequence, mixing requirements, and external curing needs for SAP-concrete mixtures.
SPR-4724: Detection and Assessment of Sulfates in the Pavement Subgrade
Principal Investigators - Antonio Bobet, Marika Santagata
Start Date - 08/01/2022
The aim of the project is to determine whether detection of sulfates in lime-treated subgrade soils that have been in service for a number of years is the result of false positives from test ITM 510. Detection of sulfates in lime-treated soils is problematic because it requires removal of the soils. This is a costly outcome, given that the subgrade soils have been in service for a number of years and the pavement may not have shown signs of distress. The problem is becoming significant given the number of maintenance and rehabilitation projects that are ongoing or planned.
This project was completed as of November 13, 2024. A final report is pending.
SPR-4723: Investigate Resilient Modulus Improvements to Bases and Subgrades from Geosynthetic Reinforcement
Principal Investigators - Erol Tutumluer (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Peter Becker (INDOT)
Start Date - 08/16/2022
This research will employ state-of-the-art methods, i.e., automated plate load testing (APLT) and bender element (BE) field sensors to directly measure geosynthetic reinforcement stiffness improvements to base and subgrade layers. Testing results will be used to develop geosynthetic reinforcement design guidelines for INDOT pavement design (e.g., recommended resilient modulus values due to geosynthetic reinforcement and the related mechanically stabilized base course modulus profile with depth, optimum geosynthetic layouts, MEPDG implementation, etc.).
SPR-4718: Influence of Nanomaterials-based Admixtures on the Entrained Air Void System and Freeze-Thaw (FT) Resistance of Concrete
Principal Investigators - Jan Olek, Mirian Velay-Lizancos
Start Date - 01/01/2023
This project has following Objectives: (1) evaluate the effect of nanosilica admixtures on the air-void characteristics of concretes used for construction of bridges and bridge deck overlays, (2) examine the influence of the characteristics of the air-void system on the freeze-thaw resistance of concrete, (3) compare the influence of the concrete production method (lab vs. field) on the durability of concrete, (4) examine, in partnership with INDOT’s Division of Materials & Tests, the effect of non-traditional (microsphere type) air entrainment products on the quality of the air-void system in concretes with nanosilica admixtures.
SPR-4717: Assessment of Temperatue Correction Factors for Falling Weight Deflectometer Deflections
Principal Investigators - Seonghwan Cho (INDOT), John Haddock, Bongsuk Park
Start Date - 03/01/2023
This study will develop an enhanced method of temperature correction on the FWD deflections to minimize temperature effects during FWD data analysis. The field investigation and numerical analysis will be conducted to identify the relationship between FWD deflections and testing temperatures. Based on the identified relationship, the FWD temperature correction guidelines will be established.
SPR-4716: Lessening Density Requirement and Adjusting Density Pay Factors for Asphalt Pavements in Poor Sublayer Conditions
Principal Investigators - Jusang Lee (INDOT), Kyubyung Kang
Start Date - 11/01/2022
The main objectives of the study are (1) to identify the correlation between the density of the new surface layer and the condition of existing sublayers of HMA pavements and (2) to make recommendations for adjusting the density pay factor of the INDOT standard specification based on the identified correlation. The study will support the INDOT to make a data-driven density specification change.
This project was completed as of December 10, 2024. A final report is pending.
SPR-4715: Study on the permissible depth of utilities under the MSE walls and means and methods of protecting the MSE walls when the permissible depth cannot be provided
Principal Investigators - Antonio Bobet
Start Date - 01/01/2023
Mechanically Stabilized Earth retaining structures are extensively used by INDOT because of cost, simple design and construction, and low maintenance. The problem of placing utilities within the reinforced volume of soil or under the MSE wall is not well resolved, and the potential consequences of utility failure can be catastrophic. The aim of the project is to provide INDOT with criteria regarding the optimum placement of the utilities and recommendations for their protection and maintenance such that their interaction with the MSE wall does not have detrimental consequences to the performance of the wall structure.
SPR-4714: Use of Machine Learning Methods to Obtain a Reliable Predictive Model for Resilient Modulus of Subgrade Soil
Principal Investigators - Sarah Khoshnevisan (University of Cincinnati), Mehdi Norouzi (University of Cincinnati)
Start Date - 10/01/2022
This research will use machine learning to develop/train data model(s) for predicting the resilient modulus of soil in the state of Indiana. The developed model(s) will reduce the need for routine iterative laboratory testing conducted for obtaining the resilient modulus of soil, which is complicated, resource intensive, time consuming, and expensive. In addition, based on the developed model(s), recommendations will be provided for future sampling locations.
This project was completed as of August 29, 2024. A final report is pending.
SPR-4713: Development of Guidelines for Compatible Sensor Installation, Data Collection, and Database-based Visualization for INDOT
Principal Investigators - James Krogmeier, John Haddock, Boonam Shin (INDOT)
Start Date - 01/01/2023
This project will develop comprehensive guidelines and example systems for sensor data collection, integration, and analysis to streamline implementation within INDOT’s research division and MIS systems.
SPR-4711: Addressing Accessibility, Equity and Environmental Justice Measures of Infrastructure
Principal Investigators - Satish Ukkusuri, Nadia Gkritza
Start Date - 10/15/2022
The project will develop accessibility and equity measures for Indiana that will be visualized for different regions, time periods, and socioeconomic groups of Indiana. This will be achieved by the analysis and modeling of high‐resolution spatiotemporal data pertaining to travelers, land use, and economic opportunities. Based on the analysis we will prepare an equity assessment for the state and develop actionable policy for environmental justice and transportation equity.
This project was completed as of December 19, 2024. A final report is pending.
SPR-4704: Evaluating Robustness of MDSS Forecast and Compliance with Recommendations
Principal Investigators - Darcy Bullock
Start Date - 12/01/2022
MDSS forecasts have been used for many years. INDOT also has developed a series of dashboards characterizing road conditions, position of plow trucks, and application rates. This project will conduct a systematic unit-by-unit evaluation on how close the units follow MDSS forecasts (application rates, deployment times) and the corresponding road conditions. After action reviews to see how close MDSS came to forecasting location, severity, and timing of winter events will also be conducted.
This project was completed as of October 17, 2024. A final report is pending.
SPR-4702: Autonomous Mower Pilot Project
Principal Investigators - John Evans, Gregory Shaver
Start Date - 08/01/2022
This project will help INDOT take initial steps to autonomous roadside mowing by achieving the following three main objectives: 1) Collection of machine data using current machines with human operators. 2) Autonomous algorithm generation and virtual simulation. 3) Physical algorithm validation on an autonomous trimming platform.
This project was completed as of January 7, 2025. A final report is pending.
SPR-4701: Implementation of Heavy Fleet Routes and Facilities Locations Optimization
Principal Investigators - Steven Dunlop, Thomas Brady
Start Date - 11/15/2022
The DCMME center at the Krannert School of Management will develop a comprehensive what‐if testbed to enable rapid analytic and economic evaluation for current and future location analysis and optimal longterm clean sheet, economic facility development planned by INDOT concerning optimal snow removal.
This project was completed as of June 11, 2024. A final report is pending.
SPR-4636: Research Support to INDOT on I-465 Southeast Variable Speed Limit and Ramp Meter Project
Principal Investigators - Darcy Bullock
Start Date - 07/01/2021
This project will develop analysis techniques and performance measures for the variable speed limit (VSL) and ramp meter deployment for I-465 on the southeast side of Indianapolis. These performance measures will be used to provide agile adjustments to the VSL deployments and inform the agency on expected benefits in future deployments on urban freeways elsewhere in the state.
SPR-4635: New Repair Strategies for Life-Cycle Extension Corroded Steel Girder Bridges
Principal Investigators - Amit Varma, Robert Connor
Start Date - 09/01/2021
This project collaborates and builds upon ongoing project SPR-4527 on the “Strength of Corroded Steel Beam Bridges and Effects on Load Rating.” Decommissioned corroded steel girder bridges obtained from the North-Split Reconstruction project will be shared between the proposed project and SPR 4527. It is important to note that SPR 4527 focuses only on the strength and load rating of corroded steel girder bridges, not their rapid repair or life-cycle extension.
This project was completed as of April 19, 2024. A final report is pending.
SPR-4628: Exploration of Color Patterns for Improving Work Zone Safety and Perception
Principal Investigators - Yunfeng Chen, James Jenkins, Jiansong Zhang
Start Date - 08/23/2021
INDOT had 5,470 collisions every year on average between 2015 and 2019, with many occurring in Indiana work zones and causing significant loss to both construction workers and vehicle drivers. This study will identify identify color-related root causes of accidents at Indiana work zones, propose solutions (e.g., different color schemes to better convey information), and improve INDOT employees’ health and safety.
SPR-4623: Improved Light Weight Deflectometer Test (LVD) and Analysis
Principal Investigators - Boonam Shin (INDOT), Peter Becker (INDOT), Antonio Bobet
Start Date - 03/01/2022
This project aims to establish a specialized testing program for the determination of maximum LWD deflection criteria in lieu of field test sections. The deliverables are: (1) Laboratory LWD equipment, which will be integrated into the INDOT Division of Research & Development (R&D) specialized testing program; (2) A manual of standard procedures for operating and calibrating the laboratory LWD equipment; and (3) An addendum to the manual of laboratory LWD standard operation and calibration procedures that specifies standard procedures for the interpretation and analysis of laboratory LWD test data.
This project was completed as of November 25, 2024. A final report is pending.
SPR-4622: Integration of BIM for Bridge Modeling
Principal Investigators - Jiansong Zhang, Yunfeng Chen, Hazar Nicholas Dib
Start Date - 09/01/2021
This project will create a technology‐process guideline for integrating BIM into the design, construction, and asset management workflow based on the PDF2BIM tool and BIM maturity model roadmap.
SPR-4619: Back-calculated Dynamic Modulus Master Curve from the Time Histories of Falling Weight Deflectometer Surface Deflections
Principal Investigators - Seonghwan Cho (INDOT), John Haddock
Start Date - 09/01/2021
The analysis of deflection data collected by the FWD provides a quick and reliable way of characterizing the properties of the asphalt layers as well as assessing the load-carrying capacity of existing pavement structures. This research will provide the back-calculation methodology of the |E*| master curve for the asphalt pavement layer using the time histories of FWD surface deflections and layered viscoelastic forward algorithms in an iterative dynamic back-calculation procedure.
SPR-4617: Demonstration of Zero Speed Inertial Profilers
Principal Investigators - Dwayne Harris (INDOT)
Start Date - 03/01/2022
INDOT pavement smoothness specifications utilize inertial profilers and IRI to evaluate newly constructed concrete pavement. The utilization of current inertial profilers is limited in low-speed zones that include stop signs and traffic lights. Currently, one vendor is producing a “Zero Speed” inertial profiler, and the two other major players in inertial profilers are developing Zero speed inertial profilers. The “Zero Speed” inertial profilers include additional hardware and updated software to better model the motion of the vehicle. This allows collecting more accurate profiles in urban areas that include stop signs and traffic lights. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the utility of “Zero Speed” inertial profiler in urban areas.
SPR-4608: Forecasting Shifts in Hoosiers' Travel Demand and Behavior
Principal Investigators - Nadia Gkritza, Satish Ukkusuri, Hua Cai, Ananth Iyer
Start Date - 10/01/2021
This project will develop long term future forecasts of transportation demand conditions for people and freight— both conventional and micro-freight package delivery in Indiana. The results of this study will enable the agency to properly adjust its business practices, planning models/applications (e.g., Statewide Travel Demand Model or traffic microsimulation), and investment decisions to best serve those future conditions; and to carry out long-range scenario planning.
This project was completed as of November 30, 2023. A final report is pending.
SPR-4605: Automated Record Keeping for Maintenance Operations via Tracking of Maintenance Vehicles using Telematics Tracks
Principal Investigators - James Krogmeier
Start Date - 01/01/2022
INDOT is currently working with Parsons to deploy telematics devices in fleet vehicles. These devices can integrate vehicle sensor data from CANbus and other means with GPS positions and time to create a record of vehicle activity, which may be synchronized to the cloud in real time. With this new capability there is need to use the new data to automate the provision of management insights and to create visualizations and dashboards to serve the results inside of INDOT. This proposal will do this in the context of important summer maintenance activities such as pavement patching.
SPR-4604: Demonstration of Infrared Heating System for Mitigation of Positive Elevation Change Areas of Localized Roughness (Bumps) in HMA
Principal Investigators - Dwayne Harris (INDOT)
Start Date - 12/01/2021
The primary purpose of this research is to demonstrate the process of utilizing infrared technology to mitigate bumps in HMA/composite pavements. An infrared pavement heating system consisting of a self contained maintenance trailer, capable of transporting heating equipment, infrared heating array, compaction equipment and hand tools will be purchased. It is anticipated that procurement of the complete system will increase the efficiency over needing multiple vehicles and systems to convey makeup HMA material and compaction equipment separately.
SPR-4517: Field Drainage Evaluation Test on I-69 Added Travel Lanes in Indiana
Principal Investigators - Boonam Shin (INDOT), Jusang Lee (INDOT), John Haddock
Start Date - 01/01/2020
INDOT implemented the application of advanced subsurface drainage systems on the I-69 added travel lanes near Anderson, IN. Evaluation of the drainage systems constructed in the test strips is needed. Optimized field drainage evaluation methods and comprehensive analysis-visualization tools with advanced data analysis techniques and software will be provided through this study.
SPR-4443: Remaining Service Life Prediction of Indiana Pavements Using Mechanistic Methods
Principal Investigators - Seonghwan Cho (INDOT), John Haddock
Start Date - 02/01/2020
The study objective is to predict pavement remaining service life in terms of major pavement distresses using FWD and IRI data. These data, combined with laboratory test results, will be used to develop deterioration curves for flexible, rigid, and composite pavements across Indiana climatic zones. Such curves can be used to provide recommendations on required rehabilitation or reconstruction.
SPR-4431: A New Approach to Accelerated Fabrication of Steel Bridges: Design, Optimization, and Demonstration
Principal Investigators - Ashley Thrall (University of Notre Dame)
Start Date - 01/01/2020
This project will develop and demonstrate a new approach to the accelerated fabrication of resilient steel bridges. Research objectives include: (1) Design and build a simply-supported and a multi-span continuous demonstration bridge; (2) Measure the dead and live load strains of the demonstration bridges as experimental evidence demonstrating behavior; and (3) Develop and optimize a kit-of-parts system to facilitate adoption.
This project was completed as of December, 2024. A final report is pending.
SPR-4329: Verification Testing of MSE Wall Foundation Bearing Capacity Based on the DCPT
Principal Investigators - Peter Becker (INDOT), Monica Prezzi, Rodrigo Salgado
Start Date - 08/15/2019
This project aims to develop: i) guidelines on how best to conduct and interpret subsurface investigations for proposed MSE walls, particularly for road widening projects; ii) methodology to estimate the bearing capacity of foundation soils found in Indiana in MSE wall construction and iii) guidelines on how to use quality assurance methods for verifying MSE wall foundation shear strength and bearing capacity to prevent serviceability limit states from being reached. Two MSE walls will be instrumented and monitored in the context of this project.
This project was completed as of January 24, 2025. A final report is pending.
SPR-4327: Development of Compaction Control Guidelines for Aggregate Drainage Layers and Evaluation of In Situ Permeability Testing Methods for Aggregates
Principal Investigators - Peter Becker (INDOT), Marika Santagata, Philippe Bourdeau
Start Date - 01/01/2019
Objective of this research is to improve the process for aggregate drainage layer construction within INDOT contracts. Results of the study will allow INDOT to move towards standardizing a performance based quality assurance approach for aggregate drainage layer construction.
This project was completed as of September 12, 2024. A final report is pending.
SPR-3902: Performance Acceptance and Performance Monitoring of Pavement Using Falling Weight Deflectormer (FWD) and International Roughness Index (IRI)
Principal Investigators - Tommy Nantung (INDOT), Hyonho Chun, Richard Ji (INDOT), John Haddock
Start Date - 01/01/2015
The objectives of this research project are geared toward determining a practical solution in INDOT pavement acceptable structural performance limits and to construct pavement structural performance curves/models for scoping, design, and preservation purposes. The ultimate goal of the research is to review the structural and functional performance of selected pavement sections and provide the Department with better practical tools for pavement engineers during scoping, design, construction, and maintenance processes.