
Aadi Rave - Academic Resume


  • Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
    BS Computer Engineering, August 2023 - present
    Awards: Dean?s List, Semester Honors
    Courses: Advanced C Programming, Object-Oriented Programming, Linear Algebra, Electrical Engineering Fundamentals and Lab, Data Science Lab for Calculus, Calculus 1-3, Intro to Engineering Design 1-2, Modern Mechanics, Transformative Texts, Research Thinking


  • Languages: Python, C/C++, OCaml, Java, MATLAB
  • Tools: Linux, bash, numpy, scikit-learn, tensorflow


  • Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
    Undergraduate Research Assistant: CS Department, January 2024 - Present
    Verifying the correctness of API functions and investigating sources of errors in programs
    Supervised by Prof. Jagannathan in partnership with Galois Inc.
    Utilizing OCaml, bash, Python, and more to generate traces for API functions and analyzing these traces using loop invariant generation tools and SMT solvers (z3)
  • College Basketball Data Analytics: Sports Analytics Club at Purdue, August 2023 - September 2023
    Investigated data from the previous 20 Men?s NCAA basketball tournaments in a team of four students
    Developed a linear regression and K-neighbors model using Python (pandas, numpy, matplotlib, scikit-learn) and Excel to identify ?sleeper? teams for the 2023-24 tournament
    Presented findings to ESPN analysts and professional data analysts
  • Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, Chennai, India
    Undergraduate Research Assistant: Chemical Engineering Department, June 2024 - August 2024
    Optimized peak separation for High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography measurements using statistical techniques including ANOVA, Bayesian Optimization, Nelder-Mead Simplex
    Investigated the effects of changing reaction conditions on peak separation and measurability
    Refactored a legacy MATLAB codebase to reduce dead code, improve readability, and enhance efficiency
  • Independent Projects
    Compiler for BASIC
    Developed a compiler for the BASIC programming language using Python to parse BASIC files and generate running C++ code
    Enigma Machine Emulator
    Developed an Enigma machine emulator using Python and constructed a program to break Enigma codes
    Studied cryptographic techniques and Turing?s method to break the Enigma code
    Implemented the technique in Python and verified it against archived transmissions

Awards & Grants

  • PLMW @ PLDI 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark
    NSF Funding Recipient, June 2024
    Received funding from the NSF to attend the Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop, a prestigious event to prepare undergraduate students for future research in the field of Programming Languages

Volunteer Experience

  • PLDI 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark
    Student Volunteer, June 2024
    Volunteered at the PLDI (Programming Languages Development and Implementation) Conference
    Facilitated the smooth running of the conference by coordinating requirements and transporting materials
    Assisted presenters with setting up presentations, computers, and microphones

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