October Qs

Reflective questions due Oct. 30, 2006

1. One of the GK12 program goals is to have fellows develop a greater appreciation of their research by applying their content expertise to the middle school science/math curriculum. Give some examples of how this is happening at your respective schools and describe some factors that support and/or hinder this process.



2. Please represent your current understanding of your role as a “visiting scientist” in the middle school classroom using any of the following formats: (note: this represents your interpretation of the concept)



Concept Map (no bonus points!)


Post-it notes

Papier Mache

Any other creative expression

3. Let’s assume for a moment that you were given the opportunity to visit middle school science/math classrooms in urban and rural China. Please provide a thoughtful narrative that describes what you think you might see in terms of pedagogy, time management, scheduling, standards, teacher-student ratio, textbooks, etc based on your experiences-to-date in U.S. middle school classrooms.