Monthly Report

GK12 Fellow Monthly Report to include the following:

  1. Mileage Reimbursement – Purdue University Form 25

  2. Activity report
    •  2-4 paragraph description of your weekly activities
    • Update on your unit specifying what you are currently working on (i.e., overview, goals and objectives, methods/materials & procedures, evaluation, activities, materials, etc.)

  3. Reflective Log/Journal
    •  Describe any similarities/differences between your experiences as a middle school student vs. current instruction in the GK12 classroom(s).
    • In your opinion, what are some of the main challenges facing middle school teachers, and how might these be resolved?
    • Have you noticed differences in the learning styles of the students based on gender, class, ethnicity, etc? What are these differences and does the teacher address them? If so, how? If not, why?
    • Any other thoughts/comments/insights
    • Each response should be less than two pages, single-spaced