Staff Awards Commitee (DSAC)

The DSAC committee selects awardees from among staff nominees submitted by engineering staff and/or faculty for one of the staff excellence awards. DSAC members are appointed by their School or Departmental Head to serve a three year term based on a rotating schedule designed to assure representation from administrative, professional, clerical and service classifications. Please contact Will Sondgerath at with any questions.

Member Access

Please log in using the My Account box in the left sidebar to view "Member Access"


Staff Awards Committee Timeline




Guidelines / Procedures

Employee Eligibility 

An employee’s hire date and the date nominations are due will be used to determine whether a nominee meets the length of employment criterion.  A nominee for the New Employee award is eligible if this period is less than three years, and a nominee for the Professional Achievement, Customer Service, or Leadership awards is eligible if this period is more than three years. Staff members who provide at least 75% of their effort in service to the College of Engineering are eligible for the CoE Staff Awards of Excellence.

DSAC members are not eligible to receive a CoE Staff Awards of Excellence award while they serve on the DSAC committee.  

Conflicts of Interest

If a DSAC member is part of a nomination for a CoE Staff Awards of Excellence, the committee member will recuse him or her self for that specific category of awards. 


Nominations may be carried over for one year following the initial submission. For this purpose, nominators and/or supervisors will be contacted and will be provided the option of putting the nominee forward a second time, as well as an opportunity to update the materials.