Faculty Awards Committee

Access to this page and links below is restricted to members of the Engineering Awards Committee.

Confidentiality: This site posts confidential material about personnel matters. Those authorized to access this site are expected to restrict distributing any content to only those with site access.

Conflict of Interest: Faculty Award Committee members will refrain from being nominators, nominees, or providing letters of support.  If such a conflict exists, the committee member will recuse him or herself and a substitute will be named to the committee by the school or department head.

Important Dates

Jan. 22, 2022 - CoE's Nominee for University's Exceptional Early Career Teaching Award Selection Meeting, 2:00-3:30pm

Jan. 22, 2022 - CoE's Nominee(s) for Murphy Award Selection Meeting, 1:30-3:30pm

Feb. 03, 2022 - Engineering Faculty Excellence Award for Early Career Teaching Selection Meeting, 3:30-5:00pm

Feb. 09, 2022 - Dean A. A. Potter Faculty Excellence Award for Undergraduate Teaching Selection Meeting, 1:30-3:30pm

Feb. 17, 2022 - Preliminary Rankings for CoE Faculty Excellence Awards in Graduate Student Mentorship, Online Education, Early Career Research, Impact on Industry, Research, Engagement and Dean H.T. Yang Leadership in Service are due by 12:00 pm

Feb. 18, 2022 - CoE Faculty Excellence Awards in Graduate Student Mentorship, Online Education, Early Career Research, Impact on Industry, Research, Engagement and Dean H.T. Yang Leadership in Service Selection Meeting, 2:00-4:00pm

All selection meetings will be held in ARMS 3041. Zoom links will be shared with members who wish to attend remotely.



2022 Faculty Excellence Awards

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