2008 Engineer of 2020 Workshop Schedule: Leadership, Global Issues, and Ethics

Tuesday, September 30th, 2008

Leah H. Jamieson, John A. Edwardson Dean of Engineering, invites you to attend the workshop:

Special Guest Panelists

Dr. Jorge Ochoa
Vice President of R&D, Archus Orthopedics

Dr. Gary Downey
Professor of Science and Technology in Society at Virginia Tech

Dr. John Grandin
Professor of German and Executive Director and Founder of the University of Rhode Island’s International Engineering Program (IEP)

Dr. Gary Comstock
Professor of Philosophy, North Carolina State University

Dr. Joe Herkert
Lincoln Associate Professor of Ethics and Technology, Arizona State University

Dr. Richard Schuhmann
Director of Engineering Leadership Program, Penn State University


Morning Session - Purdue Memorial Union
North Ballroom
8:00 – 11:45am
Continental Breakfast and Panelist Discussion

Poster Session and Lunch* - Dauch Alumni Center
Noon – 1:30pm
Luncheon in Prusiecki Banquet Room
* To attend luncheon, please RSVP to Special Events
at events@purdue.edu or 765-494-0900 by September 26th - space is limited

Afternoon Session – Dauch Alumni Center
Breakout Sessions and Workshop Summary