2009 Winning Seed Grant Proposals

o   Stephen Hoffman, Chip Blatchley, Inez Hua, Larry Nies,
“Incorporating Sustainability Concepts into the Engineering Curriculum”
o   P. K. Imbrie, Teri Reed-Rhoads
“Measuring and Modeling Purdue's Engineer of 2020 Attributes using a Neural Network Model of Student Success”
o   Brent K. Jesiek, Demetra Evangelou, Dianne Atkinson, Yating Chang, E. Daniel Hirleman,
“Assessing Engineer of 2020 Attributes through Transformative Global Experiences”
o   William Oakes, Carla Zoltowski, Scott Schaffer, Leonard Harris
“Creating Frameworks for Learning and Assessing Leadership, Cross-disciplinary Learning on Multidisciplinary Teams, Ethics and Design”
o   Rodney Trice, Matthew Krane
“Development and Assessment of 'Ethics in Engineering Practice': A New Technical Support Elective”