2008 Winning Proposals


Monica Cox
  "Creation of an Instrument to Measure Selected Attitudes in Purdue's Engineer of 2020"
Daniel DeLaurentis, Sean Brophy, Kathleen Howell
  "Multidisciplinary Insights for Learning Engineering Aerospace Design"
     Martin Okos, O. Campanella, Neal Houze, J. Lister, Nate Mosier, David Radcliffe, Bernie Tao
  "Spiraling Towards 2020: Project Centered Multidisciplinary Spiral Curriculum as a Model for Developing Purdue's     Engineer of 2020"
Joe Sinfield, Robin Adams, Aman Yadav
  "The Engineer as an Entrepreneur:  Using Case-Driven, Problem-Based Learning to Develop Adaptive Expertise"
Johannes Strobel, Inez Hua
  "Student's Attitudes and Threshold Concepts Towards Engineering as an Environmental Career:  Research by Participatory Design of an Educational Game"