Mission and Strategies


 Mission Statement

The mission of the Engineer of 2020 Committee is to facilitate the adoption of the Engineer of 2020 target attributes by all programs in the College of Engineering and foster a forward-thinking methodology to curriculum innovation.



The primary strategies to accomplish this goal are four-fold:

1.    Engineer of 2020 Workshop – organize and sponsor an annual Engineer of 2020 workshop focused on three key attributes, utilizing national and international experts to guide our discussion.  The chosen attributes will be rotated on an annual basis. 

2.    Engineer of 2020 Seed Grant program – coordinate, evaluate, and administer an annual Engineer of 2020 Seed Grant Program.  Proposals will be evaluated on a competitive basis based on the potential impact and relevancy to the related target attributes. 

3.    Travel Funds to Strategic Workshops and Conferences – funding will be provided for faculty and/or staff on a select basis to attend strategic conferences and workshops relevant to the target attributes.  Awardees will be expected to provide a summary report of lessons learned. 

4.    Sharing of Best Practices – the committee will facilitate the sharing of “best practices” among the schools in the College and promote cross-disciplinary curriculum innovation related to the target attributes.