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karen.l.johnson.3 2007-09-19 03:25 PM
ETA for Key Database?
I forgot to ask when the key database was expected to be ready. If it's not going to be for a while, is there anything we should be doing as we begin to track Armstrong keys? Creating our Excel file in a particular way, etc.

karen.l.johnson.3 2006-04-26 03:44 PM
Overlap between Intranet and Resources for Faculty and Staff
Traditionally, most of the information that we have discussed as appropriate for the Intranet has been located under Resources for Faculty and Staff. How much overlap do you see between the two areas? What is the intended purpose for Resources for Faculty and Staff under the new wrap?

Show 1 reply Latest: hilary.m.nelson.1, 2007-06-07 11:23 AM
hilary.m.nelson.1 2007-04-26 11:40 AM
Request for comments on Intranet changes - Spring 2007
Brian Brinegar and I have been trying to make the Intranet organization and navigation easier to understand and use.

We'd like to hear comments from eWAG on whether we've managed to improve things or are just making it more confusing.

So... please look around a bit and let us know what you like, what you don't like, and what you'd like to see that we haven't done yet.


Show 3 replies Latest: hilary.m.nelson.1, 2007-04-27 04:19 PM
diana.j.evans.1 2006-12-07 03:15 PM
Checking for copyright issues of web information sent to you.
BEWARE - I received an article to post on the web from a resource area that we have received several articles to copy and paste, along with permission to share link as advertising for the company/magazine's web site, and found out with some red flags from this article that it would have caused some copyright issues. Make sure you always research company names/web sites on the web to confirm permissions.

After searching out this magazine link, which had posted this article, it was clear that no one has permission to use any information from this web site without purchasing the article.

We may want to discuss in future meetings who is a good contact person to use when we have any concerns about posting articles and what is the University policy on web postings.

karen.l.johnson.3 2006-04-27 03:24 PM
for sidebarRight, must use <h3> as heading
When working with sidebarRight, you have to use <h3></h3> for your headers.