Evaluations: Marsha Freeland


Please use the following scale to evaluate the nominee for each criterion.

1: With respect to this criterion, far below bar needed for receiving this award,

2: With respect to this criterion, below the bar needed for receiving  this award

3: With respect to this criterion, meets expectations to receive this award

4: With respect to this criterion, exceeds expectations to receive this award

5: With respect to this criterion, far exceeds expectations to receive this award


Instructional effectiveness.
(1 to 5)
Course improvement or innovation. Why was a particular course modification or innovation impactful? What is the goal of a course and how do you know you achieved that goal?
(1 to 5)
Contact with students outside the classroom (e.g. academic advising, advising a student organization, etc.)
(1 to 5)
Service as a research mentor for undergraduate students outside of normal classroom activity, including committee service. (The lack of such work does not automatically eliminate a nominee for consideration, however, nominees with this kind of engagement will rate higher on this criterion than those without it.)
(1 to 5)
Dissemination of teaching effectiveness, which may include the scholarship of teaching and learning. This could be through presentations, workshops, peer-reviewed publications, etc.
(1 to 5)