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Purdue team entered IEEE Signal Processing Cup 2016 finals

Purdue team entered IEEE Signal Processing Cup 2016 finals

Magazine Section: Always
College or School: CoE
Article Type: Article
A team led by Stanley H. Chan, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering and statistics, was among the three finalists (and the only U.S. team) selected to participate in the final round of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) competition in Shanghai last spring.

Team members included ECE undergraduates Alexandria Moore, Fangjia Zhu, Xiangyu Qu, Siqing Wei, Christopher Chow, Gregory Dykes, Samuel Sowell and graduate student Benjamin Vondersaar.

Professor Stanley Chan
Christopher Chow
Gregory Dykes
Alexandria Moore
Xiangyu Qu
Samuel Sowell
Benjamin Vondersaar
Siqing Wei
Fangjia Zhu

