PERC hosts energetics experts across academia, industry and government at PEMS'23

The 3rd biennial Purdue Energetic Materials Summit (PEMS'23), which took place June 13-15, 2023 on the Purdue University campus, hosted over 100 energetic materials experts from across government, industry and academia. PEMS brings together thought leaders and decision makers in the defense, security and academic communities to discuss key challenges and potential technical solutions associated with energetic materials.


Images of PEMS'23 program, President Mung Chiang speaking, PEMS'23 giveaways, and Steve Beaudoin speaking to the audience

Left: The front cover of the PEMS'23 conference program. Top right: Purdue University President Mung Chiang speaking at PEMS'23. Middle right: PEMS'23 giveaways (tumbler and power bank). Bottom right: PERC director Steve Beaudoin addressing the audience at PEMS'23.

PEMS'23, which was invitation only, welcomed attendees from eight universities, 15 government/military agencies and 21 companies. The event featured technical talks and workshops that addressed pertinent topics in the field, including characterization and synthesis of energetic materials, propellants, additive manufacturing and modeling/imaging. Additionally, representatives from three Department of Energy national laboratories, three Department of Defense laboratories and the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition & Sustainment (OUSD A&S) showcased their organization's energetics' research agendas.

PEMS attendees mingle at the student poster session

PEMS'23 attendees mingle at the student poster session, which was held at Rat Pak in Downtown Lafayette.

In addition to the conference, graduate and undergraduate students from Purdue and the University of Michigan participated in a poster showcase where they presented research across four categories: materials, characterization, processing and modeling. Each poster was judged on its technical merits and the impactfulness of the research, and prizes were awarded in each category:



