CMUXE laboratory Training & Safety Manual,
POTR 374, 351 & 315
All CMUXE students and staffs must read and understand the information in this document with regard to laboratory safety and emergency procedures prior to the first laboratory session. Your personal laboratory safety depends mostly on YOU. Effort has been made to address situations that may pose a hazard in the lab but the information and instructions provided cannot be considered all-inclusive.
General Rules
- Obtain proper training before starting to work at CMUXE lab. To obtain training, please contact Purdue REM. You will need Laser Safety, Chemical safety and/or Radiation, depending on your assignment.
- Do not use any equipment unless you are trained and approved as a user by your supervisor.
- Do not operate or touch anything with which you are not completely familiar. It is always better to ask questions than to risk harm to yourself or damage to the equipment.
- Read the manuals and procedures carefully for safe handling of equipment. If you have any questions you can contact your supervisor or senior lab members.
- Write name, time of arrival and departure in the laboratory time keeping book.
- The laboratory door needs to be closed at all times. Designated entrances and exits are indicated on the doors.
- The laboratory needs to be kept tidy and clean. This is essential for safe operation of high power lasers. You need to use sticky mats when entering the laser area, and avoid keeping cardboard boxes and fabrics in any area of the laboratory for longer than the minimum time possible.
- The laser hazard is indicated by the 'Laser ON sign on the door. If this sign is on, Goggles must be worn if inside the laser area or entering the laser area.
- Wear lab coats. Also use gloves whenever you handle high vacuum components and optics.
- Never eat, drink, or smoke in the laboratory.
- Equipment Failure - If a piece of equipment fails while being used, report it immediately to your supervisor. Never try to fix the problem yourself because you could harm yourself and others.
- If leaving a lab unattended, turn off all ignition sources and lock the doors.
- Clean up your work area before leaving. Keep your lab space clean and organized.
Laboratory Safety:
Laser Hazards: CUMXE labs possess Class IV laser systems. Purdue REM laser safety class is required prior to laser use. New laser users must be trained by experienced laser users prior to independent work. NEVER, EVER LOOK INTO ANY LASER BEAM, no matter how low power or "eye safe" you may think it is.
Electrical Hazards: A number of electrical instruments and lasers used in the laboratory utilize high voltage. No electrical work/repair shall be performed without prior consultation with your supervisor.
Radiation Hazards: Two sources of hazardous radiation exist in the laboratory. The first source is a X-ray gun which emits Mg and Al K-alpha X-ray radiation. Personnel must pass the REM Radiation Safety class prior to use of the source. The second source is EUV gun emitting at 13.5 nm.
Chemical Hazards: The lab is equipped with Lithium and other chemicals (acetone, propanol and methanol). Members in the lab should read MSDS before using any chemicals.
Compressed Gas: The CMUXE lab is having various compressed gas bottles. Read Gas container instructions carefully for safety.
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
The Material Safety Data Sheet, or MSDS, is a document that gives detailed information about a material and about any hazards associated with the material.
Purdue MSDS Search
MSDS of Chemicals and Materials at CMUXE lab
Laser Safety
Laser safety is the avoidance of laser accidents, especially those involving eye injuries.
Several Class 4 lasers are present at CMUXE laboratory. REM laser safety class is required prior to laser use. All user candidates must first take this class.
Safety measures
- Adequate eye protection should always be required for everyone in the room whenever laser is operating.
- Everyone who uses a laser should be aware of the risks. This awareness is not just a matter of time spent with lasers; to the contrary, long-term dealing with invisible risks (such as from infrared laser beams) tends to reduce risk awareness, rather than to sharpen it.
- Optical experiments should be carried out on an optical table with all laser beams travelling in the horizontal plane only, and all beams should be stopped at the edges of the table. Users should never put their eyes at the level of the horizontal plane where the beams are in case a reflected beam leaves the table.
- Watches and other jewelry that might enter the optical plane should not be allowed in the laboratory. All non-optical objects that are close to the optical plane should have a matte finish in order to prevent specular reflections.
- Alignment of beams and optical components should be performed at a reduced beam power whenever possible.
- Treat Personal Protective Equipment (PPE, goggles) with respect. Never leave the PPE on the hard surface facing the glass filter down. This will scratch the PPE and render it useless. The goggles are expensive.
- Return the PPE to its case after use.
Purdue Laser Safety |