

CMUXE People

image Ahmed Hassanein
Director of CMUXE
Paul L. Wattelet & Distinguished Professor of Nuclear Engineering

Tel:  765-496-9731; Fax: 765-496-2233
E mail:
Purdue University, 500 Central Drive, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907


Dr. Ahmed Hassanein, Paul L. Wattelet & Distinguished Professor of Nuclear Engineering, director of CMUXE. Prof. Hassanein has more than 40 years of experience in research and development in the fields of nuclear and plasma physics, engineering, and material science. Prof. Hassanein is nationally and internationally recognized as one of the world's foremost leaders in the area of modeling and benchmarking material responses to different radiation and particle sources. He has developed unique models and comprehensive computer packages as well as state-of-the art experimental facilities to predict material behavior, lifetime issues, plasma evolution, and fluid hydrodynamics under various irradiation conditions. These models and results are being used in several national and international research fields. He has authored more than 500 journal publications and technical report in more than 45 different national and international journals in physics, engineering, materials, and computer science. Before coming to Purdue, Prof. Hassanein was Senior Scientist, Group Leader, and the Director of Fusion Power Program at the Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory. Prof. Hassanein received the IEEE Merit Award for 2013, the highest IEEE technical achievement award of the nuclear and plasma sciences society, for his seminal contributions in these fields. He also received the 2019 IEEE Charles Birdsall Awards for Excellence in Computational Nuclear and Plasma Sciences. Prof. Hassanein also received the 2020 American Nuclear Society (ANS) Outstanding Achievement Award. He is Fellows of SPIE, AAAS, IEEE, ANS, OSA, APS, IOP, and IAAM.


Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
M.S. Physics (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
M.S. Nuclear Engineering (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
M.S. Nuclear Engineering (University of Alexandria, Egypt)
B.Sc. Nuclear Engineering (University of Alexandria, Egypt)

Research and academic interests

  • Magnetic and Inertial Fusion Research
  • Computational Physics and Hydrodynamics
  • Plasma Material Interactions
  • Radiation Damage in Materials
  • Advanced Numerical Methods
  • Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography
  • Laser and discharge produced plasma
  • High Power Targets for Accelerators
  • Radiation and Particle Transport in Materials
  • Heat Conduction and Thermal Hydraulics
  • Directed Energy Lethality
  • Biomedical Engineering Applications


Professional Service distinctions and awards
Member/Co-Chair of the following International Committees

  • Fellow, International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM)
  • Fellow, American Nuclear Society (ANS)
  • Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
  • Fellow, American Physical Society (APS)
  • Fellow, Institute of Physics (IOP)
  • Fellow, International Society of Optical Engineering (SPIE)
  • Fellow, Optical Society of America (OSA/Optica)
  • Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  • IAAM Scientist Medal Award for "Outstanding Contributions to advanced material science" (2024)
  • Elected nominator for the Global VinFuture Foundation Prize, Vietnam, (2022)
  • The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences member to evaluate Goran Gustafsson Prize in Physics (2022)
  • American Nuclear Society (ANS) Outstanding Achievement Award for magnetic & inertial fusion development and worldwide leadership (2020)
  • Professor, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPHI), Moscow, Russia (2020)
  • World Expert Member to evaluate candidates of the Laurate Global Energy Prize Award, Russia (2020)
  • IEEE Charles Birdsall Award, of the Nuclear and Plasma Science Society, for Excellence in Computational Nuclear and Plasma Sciences (2019)
  • Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, Courtesy appointment (2018-Present)
  • Paul L. Wattelet Chair & Distinguished Professor of Nuclear Engineering, Purdue University (2015)
  • Member of Scientific Advisory Board (SAC), for the newly formed Advanced Research Center for Nanolithography (ARCNL), of ASML, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2014-2020)
  • IEEE Merit Award, highest Technical Award of Nuclear & Plasma Science (2013)
  • Best Teacher Award, Purdue School of Nuclear Engineering (2012)
  • Head of Nuclear Engineering, Purdue University (2009-2016)
  • Bestowed as the Paul L. Wattelet Endowed Chair Professor of Nuclear Engineering (2009)
  • Creator and Director of Center for Materials under Extreme Environments (CMUXE) at Purdue University (2008-present). CMUXE consists of 7 different labs with more than 15M$ equipment.
  • Director of US DOE Argonne National Laboratory Fusion Power Program (2000-2007).
  • Ten times recipient of Argonne's Exceptional Performance Awards (1996-2007).
  • Argonne National Laboratory Pace Setter Award (2002)
  • Four U.S. Patents in nanolithography and nanotechnology (2006-2010)
  • Received NATO Grant to Chair and Organize an International Conference on Nuclear Energy (2001)
  • Editor, J. Cancers
  • Editor, Laser & Particle Beams (UK)
  • Executive Editor, Journal of Applied Mechanical Engineering,
  • Editorial Board member, Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, Ukraine,
  • Editor, J. Nuclear Energy Science & Power Generation Technologys
  • Associate Editor, Laser & Particle Beams
  • Guest Editor, Fusion Engineering and Design, Modeling and Key Issues of Plasma/Surface Interactions in Future Tokamaks, 2002, Vol. 60/4
  • Editor, "Hydrogen and Helium Recycling at Plasma Facing Materials", NATO Science Series, Vol. 54, 2002, Kluwer Academic Publishers
  • Guest Editor, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Special Issue Plenary & Invited Papers from ICOPS 2011", Vol. 40, 5 (2012)

  • Chair and Advisory Member of international committees:
  • (1) Hydrogen Isotopes in Fusion Reactor Materials (Russia); (2) International Innovative Concepts for Plasma-Interactive Components in Fusion Devices (Japan); (3) Interaction of Hydrogen Isotopes with Structural Materials (Russia); (4) International School on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (Ukraine); (5) Technology of Fusion Energy (TOFE), USA; (6) Institute of Applied Plasma Science (IAPS), Japan; (7) ExtreMat, European Materials under Extreme Conditions (Germany); (8) EUV Source Technical Working Group (TWG); (9) General Chair of ICOPS 2011;(10) Scientific Advisory Committee of Advanced Research Center for Nanolithography (ARCNL), Netherlands; (11) International Advisory Committee of Laser and Spectroscopy Society of India.

