Concurrent engineering of flexible assembly and just-in-time demands
require solutions for rapid analysis and decisions in response to
on-going changes. Projects in this area apply graphic-based, logic-based,
and analysis model-based techniques to solve specific integration
problems in flexible assembly and other facilities. Effect of communication,
distributed control, and new inspection technologies including MEMS
are investigated.
The Best-Matching Protocol by Integration of Distributed On-Line
Inspection Information
Application of Distributed Processing in Electronic Assembly
Planning and Evaluating Client-Server Integration Protocols
for Assembly-and-Test Work-Cells
The TestLAN Approach to the Design of Testing Systems
Assessment Methodology for On-Line Inspection Technologies
Reachability Analysis in Robotic Cells Using a Simulator-Emulator
Motion Economy Analysis for Robotic Kitting Tasks
The effectiveness of Protocol Adaptability in TestLAN-based
Production Environment
Five Fundamental Models and Measures of Assembly
Sensor economy Selection Procedures and Principles