I am an Associate Professor in the Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University. I am with the Schweitzer Power and Energy Systems group, and my focus is on algorithmic solutions for problems related to monitoring and optimization in electric power systems.
- 01/2024: Excited to teach the graduate-level course Power Distribution System Analysis this semester.
- 01/2024: Joined Purdue University and the Schweitzer Power and Energy Systems group at the ECE department.
- 07/2023: Manish will be joining the ECE Department at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Fall 2023. More details here. Well-deserved! Congratulations Manish!
- 07/2023: Organized three panels on the broad areas of machine learning and quantum computing for power systems at the 2023 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting in Orlando, FL.
- 07/2023: Ran a great outreach event under the BLAST program of the Center for the Enhancement of Engineering Diversity (CEED) at VT.
- 06/2023: Organized a special session on 'Quantum Computing for Machine Learning and Signal Processing' at the 2023 IEEE ICASSP Conference in Rhodes, Greece. The session was well-attended and well-perceived with many great presentations.
- 03/2023: Manish received the Blackwell Award (second place) for the Best Ph.D. Thesis in our Bradley ECE Department for 2022. Congratulations Manish!
- 03/2023: Excited to present an inviting talk at the 2023 Conf. on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) organized by Johns Hopkins University.
- 02/2023: A new member has joined our research group. Welcome Ridley! Excited to work with you.
- 12/2022: Sarthak defended his PhD. Neat works on deep neural networks (DNNs) trained to learn stochastic optimal power flow (OPF) policies, DNNs as digital twins of Volt/VAR dynamics, and quantum approaches for tackling stochastic binary quadratic programs with constraints. Excellent works and spotless delivery! Congratulations Sarthak!
- 12/2022: Mathirush defended his MSc on reactive power compensation to deal with voltage imbalance in distribution grids. Congratulations Matty!
- 11-12/2022: Presenting seminar talks at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in Copenhagen; the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich; Mitsubishi Electric Company (MELCO) in Yokohama, Japan; and the National Technical University of Athens. Excited to present our new works on deep learning for the optimal design of Volt/VAR control curves.
- 10/2022: I will be organizing three panel sessions at the 2023 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting on machine learning and quantum computing for power systems.
- 09/2022: Our paper with Shaohui and Hao on finding impulse responses between pairs of grid buses under ambient conditions using synchrophasor data has been accepted to be presented at the HICCS conference.
- 09/2022: Excited to spend my research leave (sabbatical) with the power systems group at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), hosted by Spyros Chatzivasileiadis.
- 08/2022: Our NSF grant proposal Power Systems Dynamics from Real-Time Data: Modeling, Inference, and Stability-Aware Optimization has been awarded. This is a collaborative project with Hao Zhu from the Un. of Texas at Austin. Looking forward to working with Hao and our research groups on this project. Thank you NSF.
- 07/2022: Four new members would be joining our group. Excited to work with all of you. Welcome Jinlei, Ashutossh, Thinh, and Mamzi!
- 07/2022: Attending the 2022 IEEE PES General Meeting in Denver, Colorado.
- 07/2022: I will be giving an invited talk at the 2022 Autonomous Energy Systems Workshop at NREL.
- 06/2022: Mana defended her PhD thesis. Congratulations Mana!
- 06/2022: Attending the Power Systems Computations Conference, in Porto, Portugal.
- 06/2022: We have received a seed funding grant from the Commonwealth Cybersecurity Initiative (Southwest Virginia node) on quantum-based solutions to power systems problems. We are happy to have Dr. Jamie Sikora from the CS Department of VT participating in this. Thanks to CCI for the support!
- 03/2022: Presented seminar on Machine Learning for Optimizing Power Systems at the ECE Colloquium at the Virginia Tech Research Center in Arlington, VA.
- 02/2022: Two papers have been accepted to the Power Systems Computations Conference, Porto, Portugal, in June 2022. The first paper is a DNN-based formulation of a chance-constrained AC-OPF. The second paper is a novel OPF formulation that is cognizant of low-frequency inter-area oscillations. Congratulations to Sarthak and Manish!