Gradient✓ (GradientCheck) for Heterogeneous Catalysis:

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Inputs Section

Reaction Phase: / default: Gas Phase
Temperature (Tb & Tw): / K
Pressure (P): / bar

Reactor Radius (Rr): / m -- [Accepts scientific notation e.g. 1e-3]
Bed Length (Lb): / m
Catalyst Particle Shape:
Particle Radius (Rp): / m

Observed Reaction Rate (robs): / moles of A × kg-cat-1 × s-1
Enthalpy of Reaction (ΔHrxn) / J × mole-1
Reaction Order (n)
Activation Energy (Eapp) / J × mole-1
Conversion (XA) / unitless (0 to 1)

Catalyst Bulk Density (ρbulk): / kg × m-3 [usually 500-1500]
Catalyst Void Fraction (ε): / (0 to 1) [often 0.35-0.45 (default 0.4)]
Catalyst Thermal Conductivity (kp): / W × m-1 × K-1 [often 0.13-0.25]
Catalyst Surface Area (Sint): / m2 × g-1
Catalyst Pore Volume (Vpore): / m3 × g-1
Catalyst Pore Tortuosity (τ): / unitless [often 3-7 for porous catalysts]

Number of Reactants: Number of Products:
Reactant A
Product B Diluent C
Inlet Mole Fractions: / must add to 1
Fluid Viscosity (μf): / kg × m-1 × s-1
Heat Capacity (Cp): / J × kg-1 × K-1
Thermal Conductivity (kf): / W × m-1 × K-1
Diffusion Volume (Σν,i):
Molecular Weight (MW): / g × mol-1


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Calculated Properties
Reactant A Product B Diluent C
Ideal Gas Density: / kg × m-3
Inlet Concentration of A: / mol × m-3

Mixture Diffusivity (DAm): / m2 × s-1
Average Molecular Weight (MW): / g × mol-1
Average Heat Capacity (Cp): / J × kg-1 × K-1
Average Thermal Conductivity (kf): / W × m-1 × K-1
Average Viscosity (μf): / kg × m-1 × s-1
Average Density (ρf): / kg × m-3

Total Mass Flow Rate (ṁ): / kg × s-1
Superficial Mass Flux (G): / kg × m-2 × s-1
Space Time Across Bed (tbed): / s
Catalyst Mass Loaded (mcat): / kg
Catalyst Bed Volume (Vbed): / m3
Particle Porosity (εp): / (0 to 1) [usually 0.3-0.7]
Particle Density (ρp): / kg × m-3
Mean Pore Radius (rpore): / Å
Single Particle Volume (Vp): / m3 × particle-1
External Surface Area (Sext): / m2 × particle-1
External Surface Area Per Mass (am): / m2 × kg-1

Reynolds Number: / unitless
Prandtl Number: / unitless
Schmidt Number: / unitless
Chilton-Colburn Factor (jD): / unitless
Mass Transfer Coefficient (km): / m × s-1
Sherwood Number: / unitless
Particle-Fluid Heat Transfer Coefficient (h): / W × m-2 × K-1
Nusselt Number: / unitless
Effective Diffusivity (Deff): / m2 × s-1

Bed Average Bed Inlet Bed Outlet
Weisz-Prater Modulus (MWP): / unitless
Thiele Modulus (MT): / unitless
Effectiveness Factor (η): / unitless

External Concentration Gradient: / %
External Temperature Gradient: / K
Internal Temperature Gradient: / K
Prater Number (β): / unitless
Intrinsic (1st Order) Rate Constant (kint): / m3 × kg-cat-1 × s-1
Max Possible Diffusion-Limited Rate (rmax): / moles of A × kg-cat-1 × s-1
External Surface Concentration: / mol × m-3
External Surface Temperature: / K
Bed Scale Gradients
Axial Dispersion Coefficient (Daxial): / m2 × s-1
Radial Dispersion Coefficient (Drad): / m2 × s-1
Pressure Drop Across Bed (ΔP): / bar

Effective Radial Thermal Conductivity (kre): / W × m-1 × K-1
Wall Heat Transfer Coeff (hw): / W × m-2 × K-1
Internal Heat Transfer Coeff (hi): / W × m-2 × K-1
Axial Temperature Change (ΔTaxial): / K
Validation Tests
robs < rmax Is the observed reaction rate realistic?
∑ yi = 1 Do the mole fractions add to one?
0.25 < ε < 0.55 Is the void fraction within typical range?
0.1 < kp < 1 Is the particle conductivity within typical range?
εp < 0.7 Is the porosity within typical range?
2 < τ < 6 Is the tortuosity within typical range?
0.5 < Pr < 1.5 Is the Prandtl number within typical range for a gas?
ReLiq > 0.01 or ReGas > 1 Is the Reynolds number within the valid range for j-factor correlations?

β > 0.3 Are multiple steady states possible?
(Cb - Cs)/Cb > 5% Does external diffusion limit reaction rate?
(Cb - Cs)/Cb > 50% Does external diffusion control reaction rate?
|Tb - Ts| > 1 K Is the external temperature gradient significant?
|Ts - Tc| > 1 K Is the internal temperature gradient significant?
η < 0.95 Does pore diffusion limit reaction rate?
η < 0.5 Does pore diffusion strongly affect reaction rate?

ΔP > 0.2P Is the bed pressure drop greater than 20% of the total pressure?
Mears Axial Dispersion Does axial dispersion have a large effect upon rate?
Gierman Axial Dispersion Does axial dispersion have a large effect upon rate?
Sie Wall Effects Do broad radial velocity profiles negatively effect the reactant RTD?
Mears Radial Interparticle Does a radial interparticle heat transport limitation indicate a nonisothermal reactor?
Gradient Plots
Reactant A Product B Diluent C
Atom / Structure
Aromatic Ring
Heterocyclic Ring
Mol. Formula:
Mol. Weight:
Mol. Diff. Vol.:
# of Each
# of Each
# of Each
/ g × mol-1
/ cm3 × mol-1
Reactant A Product B Diluent C
Atom / Structure
→ In methyl esters and ethers 
→ In ethyl esters and ethers 
→ In higher esters and ethers 
→ In acids 
→ Joined to S, P, and N 
N, doubly bonded
→ In primary amines 
→ In secondary amines 
Ring, three-membered
→ Four-membered
→ Five-membered
→ Six-membered
→ Naphthalene
→ Anthracene
Mol. Formula:
Mol. Weight:
Mol. Volume:
# of Each
# of Each
# of Each
/ g × mol-1
/ cm3 × mol-1
For φAi Wilke and Chang recommend:   2.6 for water
1.9 for methanol
1.5 for ethanol
1.0 for unassociated compounds
Gradient✓ (GradientCheck) for Heterogeneous Catalysis v0.95, March 17, 2016