Wu Group


Our paper on Weyl physics in tellurene with our collaborators at Purdue and other institutions is accepted by Nature Nanotechnology. Congratulations!
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Our paper on strain engineering in 2D Te with our collaborators at Purdue and other institutions is accepted by Advanced Materials. Congratulations!
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Wenzhuo was selected to the Nanoscale Horizons Community Board, which is an early career advisory board made up of researchers with expertise across all areas of the scope of Nanoscale Horizons. Nanoscale Horizons (impact factor: 9.095) is a leading journal for the publication of exceptionally high quality, innovative nanoscience & nanotechnology. Thank you and it’s exciting!
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Our technology demonstrating an innovative approach to turn the typically wasted shell material from crustaceans into functional, self-powered devices has been covered by Purdue Research Foundation, Yahoo Finance, R&D World, VRScout, SYFYWire, Popular Mechanics, and more. Keep up the good work!
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Our paper on 2D Te infrared device with our collaborators at Purdue and HUST is accepted in Nature Communications. Congratulations!
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Yixiu successfully passed his Ph. D. thesis defense through the online format due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Good job, Yixiu! All the best to your future endeavors!
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Our paper titled “Chitosan biopolymer‐derived self‐powered triboelectric sensor with optimized performance through molecular surface engineering and data‐driven learning” was ranked the 7th most downloaded paper in February for the journal InfoMat! Congratulations to our people and collaborators!
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Wenzhuo gives an invited seminar at the Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, George Washington University. Thanks for the kind invitation, and the inspiring discussions!
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Wenzhuo was invited to present our work on advanced manufacturing of smart devices at TMS 2020 Annual Meeting. Thanks for the kind invitation!
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Our paper titled “Field-effect transistors made from solution-grown two-dimensional tellurene” was ranked the 6th most cited paper among all 188 papers published in Nature Electronics in 2018! Congratulations to our people and collaborators!
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Our paper in collaboration with Prof. Hongtao Ding’s group at University of Iowa titled “An Innovative Laser Metasurface Fabrication Technique for Highly Flexible Optoelectronic Devices” is published in ASME – Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing. Congratulations!
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Our paper in collaboration with Prof. Peide Ye’s group titled “Raman response and transport properties of tellurium atomic chains encapsulated in nanotubes” is published in Nature Electronics. Congratulations!
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Wenzhuo was invited to present our work on advanced manufacturing of wearable devices at 44th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC 2020). Thanks for the kind invitation!
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Ruoxing receives the prestigious Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship from the Graduate School at Purdue to support her complete the doctoral dissertation. Congratulations!
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Our paper in collaboration with Prof. Chongwu Zhou’s group and other colleagues at USC titled “Tellurene Photodetector with High Gain and Wide Bandwidth” is published in ACS Nano. Congratulations!
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