Shreyas Sundaram

Current Graduate Students

  • Ashish Ranjan Hota, PhD (Purdue)
  • Ebrahim Moradi Shahrivar, PhD (Waterloo)
  • Haotian Zhang, PhD (Waterloo)

Previous Graduate Students

  • Sharad Birmiwal, PhD, University of Waterloo, 2012 (co-supervised with Prof. Ravi Mazumdar)
  • Thilan Costa, MASc, University of Waterloo, 2012
  • Haotian Zhang, MASc, University of Waterloo, 2012
  • Elaheh Fata, MASc, University of Waterloo, 2013 (co-supervised with Prof. Stephen Smith)
  • Sin Li, combined BASc/MASc, University of Waterloo, 2014 (co-supervised with Prof. Siddharth Garg)
  • Mohammad Pirani, MASc, University of Waterloo, 2014

Undergraduate Research Assistants

  • Min Bai (Spring 2010): Flocking with Unreliable Agents
  • Jingxian (Jessie) Xu (Spring 2010, Summer 2011): Complex Networks and Structural Balance
  • Jesse Haber-Kucharsky (Winter 2011): A Simulation Toolbox for Modeling Vehicle Platoons
  • Alexander Leung (Fall 2011): Analysis of Cascading Failures in Power Grids
  • Kartik Vamaraju (Spring 2012): Analysis of Graph Cohesiveness and Robustness
  • Kartik Ravi (Spring 2012): Architecture for a Mobile Robotics Lab
  • Zhaowei (Charlie) Wang (Fall 2012): LMPs as Measures of Importance in Power Grids

Note to prospective students: My research is primarily theoretical, and thus prospective graduate students should have an excellent mathematical background (particularly in linear algebra and signals-and-systems). A solid background in graph theory, game theory, random processes, distributed algorithms or control theory would also be helpful. If you fit this description, please send me an email. Please note that due to the volume of email that I receive, I can only respond to those whose qualifications match open positions.