Samarth Agarwal's Biography

Samarth Agarwal received his Bachelor Degree in Engineering Physics from IIT, Bombay in May 2004 and Master degree in Physics from Purdue University in May 2006. Samarth joined the Klimeck research group in June 2005.
Samarth has a contributor web page on
During his tenure in the Klimeck group he worked on the following research projects:
- Effective band-gaps of a superlattice
"Design Guidelines for True Green LEDs and High Efficiency Photovoltaics Using ZnSe/GaAs Digital Alloys" Electrochemical and Solid-State Lett., Vol. 13, pp. H5-H7 (2010);doi:10.1149/1.3250436
- Design ideas for Tunnel-FETs
"Leakage Reduction Design Concepts for Low Power Vertical Tunneling Field-Effect Transistors" IEEE Electronic Device Lett. (2010) Vol 31, Page(s):621 - 623, doi:10.1109/LED.2010.2046011
- Adaptive Quadrature for Sharply Spiked Integrands
"Adaptive Quadrature for Sharply Spiked Integrands", accepted Oct 2010 in Journal of Computational Electronics
This work has resulted in software tools on the nanohub: