PIC24 support library

The PIC24 support library is divided into external components, internal components, and tools used in creating the library. External components should be called by the typical user to set up the PIC, communicate over the UART, I2C bus, etc. Internal components include both implementation details and information on adding support for PIC24 processors not currently supported by this library. Following these three sections is a library function summary, listing all functions available in the library.

A simple example which echos characters via the UART:

#include "pic24_all.h"
int main(void) {
  // Set up clock, heartbeat, UART, print welcome message
  while (1) {
    // Echo characters
  return 0;

Library components

External library components

Internal library components

Tools used to create the code

SCons provides automated library building and testing. See SConstruct.py for documentation of this process. Capabilities include:

To maintain a consistent style, a batch file which runs the Artistic Style code formatter is available as runAStyle.bat.

Library function summary

This section lists all the commands available in the various sections of the library, providing a quick overview of the library's capabilities.

Delay routines

The file pic24_delay.h defines:

Generic data types

The file in pic24_generic.h defines:

Setup of IO ports

The file pic24_ports.h includes files which define:

Generated on Sun Mar 15 11:14:22 2009 for PIC24 Support Libraries by  doxygen 1.5.8