File Reference

This file provides an automated build process for the libraries included in this collection. More...

Go to the source code of this file.


def SConstruct::buildTargetsSConscript
 Call SConscript with a specific buildTargets value.


list SConstruct::archiveFiles
 By default, run two jobs at once (assume a dual-core PC).
string SConstruct::archiveFileName = 'build/'
 Select the file name for the .zip archive.
tuple SConstruct::zipNode = env.Zip(archiveFileName, archiveFiles)
 Create a target which zips up these files; otherwise, create compilation targets.
Create a Microchip MCC24 (PIC24F/H) Construction Environment
Make sure SCons is recent enough.

tuple SConstruct::opts = Options('')
 Define command-line options to set processor, bootloader.
tuple SConstruct::allowed_values = ('msu','none')
tuple SConstruct::env
tuple SConstruct::incDirs = Split( """include /usr/pic30-elf/include /usr/share/pic30-support/generic/h /usr/share/pic30-support/pic24h/h """)
tuple SConstruct::libDirs = Split( """. lib """)
 SConstruct::CPPPATH = incDirs,
 Change linux-specific environment variables.
string SConstruct::CC = 'pic30-elf-gcc'
 SConstruct::LIBPATH = libDirs,
string SConstruct::AR = 'pic30-elf-ar'
string SConstruct::LINK = 'pic30-elf-gcc'
string SConstruct::MCC_BASE = '/usr/share/pic30-support/pic24h/'
tuple SConstruct::b2h
tuple SConstruct::dict = env.Dictionary()
string SConstruct::LINKERSCRIPT = '--script=lkr'
string SConstruct::LINKFLAGS = '-Wl,--heap=100,$LINKERSCRIPT'

Detailed Description

This file provides an automated build process for the libraries included in this collection.

To use:

  1. Install SCons.
  2. Install the Microchip compiler. Make sure your path includes the directories in which the compiler binaries exist.
  3. From the command line, change to the directory in which this file lies.
  4. Execute SCons, which builds everything.

The build process can be modified by passing options to SCons. See SCons --help for options specific to this build and SCons -H for generic SCons options.

  • Write a function to build reset over many different processors
  • Figure out how to get Doxygen to generate valid links in the output produced by parsing this file

Definition in file

Generated on Sun Mar 15 11:14:22 2009 for PIC24 Support Libraries by  doxygen 1.5.8