PIC24 Support Libraries Documentation
The latest version of this document is located here.
PIC24 support library and
example code, accompanied by detailed explanations in the textbook, supplemented with numerous real-world examples, and accompanied by extensive on-line documentation given below, enable developers to take advantage of the wide range of peripherals offered by the PIC24. The collection consists of the getting started guide; the PIC24 support library; ESOS, the Embedded Systems Operating System; and the robotics library, each of which is overviewed below. The latest version of this code is located
getting started page walks newcomers through the first step in developing for the PIC24: installing software and obtaining necessary hardware. Next, examples introduce use of the libraries below. Finally, documentation below provides a detailed reference to each of the library's operation.
PIC24 support library supports all the major subsystems of the PIC24: clock configuration, configuration bits, delays, interrupts, digital I/O, timers, serial I/O, SPI, I2C, ECAN, comparators, A/D conversion, FLASH reads/writes, and DMA. An extensive set of examples accompanying the library provide working sample code to guide newcomers to using the library.
ESOS, the Embedded Systems Operating System, is a cooperative multitasking operating system with very low memory overhead. ESOS is a task-driven programming paradigm within an event-driven framework. ESOS gives the user timer, interrupt, and communication services commonly needed in embedded systems programs.
robotics library, which is built on ESOS, supports common tasks used in robotics.
Additional documentation is available for:
These libraries are released under terms given in the