CourseMIRROR used text summarization techniques to summarize the students’ responses. The detail of the summarization algorithm is reported by Luo & Litman (2015). The summarization algorithm used by CourseMIRROR is evaluated on an engineering course corpus consisting of handwritten student reflections generated in response to instructor prompts at the end of each lecture, along with associated summaries manually generated by the course TA (Menekse et al., 2011).  To access the data set, please fill out the following form. We respect your privacy and will not use your information for any purpose other than to inform you of updates and to assess interest in the resource. By downloading the data set, user acknowledges and agrees that the user is granted a non-exclusive, royalty free, worldwide license (with no right to sublicense) to use the data set solely for academic and research purposes.


  • Menekse, M., Stump, G., Krause Stephen J., & Chi, M. T. H. (2011). The effectiveness of students’ daily reflections on learning in engineering context. In Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference. Vancouver, Canada.
  • Luo, W., & Litman, D. (2015). Summarizing Student Responses to Reflection Prompts. In Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). Lisboa, Portugal: Association for Computational Linguistics.
  • Luo, W., Liu, F., Liu Z., & Litman, D. (2016). Automatic Summarization of Student Course Feedback. Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics – Human Language Technologies (NAACL-HLT 2016). San Diego, CA, 2016, June.