Student Machine Shop Rules

Shop Rules

  1. You must follow the shop access policy below.
  2. Consult the student staff and/or shop supervisors to answer any questions
  3. A drawing is required for all projects before work can begin.
  4. A material safety data sheet is required for all materials.
  5. Clean up after yourself - the machine should be cleaner than you found it. Allow for 20-25 minutes.
  6. Do not operate anything you aren't sure about without supervision.
  7. Return all tools to the proper place after use.
  8. Inform staff when returning tools from check-out.
  9. All personal projects are subject to shop supervisor approval. Examples of projects that are not allowed include knives, guns, or any kind of weapon.
  10. When in doubt, ASK!

Dress Code

  1. Always wear safety glasses.
  2. No open shoes or high-heels.
  3. Long sleeves must be pulled up while working on machines.
  4. No watches or jewelery may be worn while working on machines.
  5. Long hair must be pulled back.

Machine Shop Access

Access to the shop will be by card swipe only. Each person must swipe their own card every time they enter the shop! Anyone entering the shop without swiping their card, or using using a card that doesn't belong to them, will be locked out for a week following the first offense. Repeat offences will be dealt with more severely. This includes the person who opened the door or loaned the card as well.

Registered ME students and members of SAE, and M.E. sponsored car teams are the only groups that will have access to the shop. If you belong to one of these groups but are unable to access the shop, work with your teams president to fill out the appropriate paperwork. For questions about the process, please contact Darrin Wilcoxson at or by phone at 496-0397.

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

© 2019 Purdue University | An equal access/equal opportunity university | Copyright Complaints | Maintained by Mechanical Engineering Technical Services

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