LIMR receives CTSI PDT Grant!

Hugh Lab News

We received Indiana Clinical Translational Sciences Institute’s Project Development Team Pilot Funding for our efforts to create self-clearing smart catheters. Congratulations everyone!

LIMR welcomes new graduate students

Hugh Lab News

Several new faces have joined the lab this fall! Welcome!! Chunan Liu is an MS student from Electrical and Computer Engineering. He graduated with his BS in ECE from Purdue in 2014. He will be working on developing position sensor for magnetic microactuators and building high frequency magnetic field generators. Hyunsu Park is a PhD student from Biomedical Engineering. He …

Wanted: Graduate/Undergraduate Researchers

Hugh Lab News

We’re looking for self-motivated and creative graduate/undergraduate students interested in implantable microsystems research. Interested students should email professor Hugh Lee for more information on joining the group. Please include your CV and short description of your research background/interest.