Research Highlights

November 11, 2024

How equitable are our road revenue contributions and expenditures?

This study was conducted to measure Indiana’s highway user cost responsibilities, revenue contributions, and equity for cars, trucks and buses using Indiana highways. This study comes at a particularly important time as the nation is transitioning to alternative fuels that do not collect tax revenue
October 8, 2024

Statewide Screening of Signalized Intersections

Approximately 2300 signalized intersections (Figure 1) were analyzed using Purdue Connected Vehicle Signal Analytics to screen all 8 movements, to determine if all 8 movements were operating satisfactorily (Figure 2a), or if any movement at an intersection had a split failures (Figure 2b). For
September 27, 2024

Towards Pavement Milling Specifications

Milling can be defined as a process of removing the pavement surface, and other layers, using drum-mounted carbide steel cutting bits attached to a milling machine. Pavement milling may alter the surface texture of the remaining structure, creating differences from the original surface which can
September 20, 2024

Site Visit to Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer Project Funded by INDOT and NSF

At the JTRP Executive Committee Meeting on September 20, 2024, an update on the Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer Project was provided by the Advancing Sustainability through Powered Infrastructure for Roadway Electrification (ASPIRE) Research Team consisting of Nadia Gkritza, John Haddock, Steve Pekarek, Dionysios Aliprantis , and Aaron Brovont. Partners and stakeholders from Venture Logistics, Cummins, Subaru, and Purdue Engineering
September 16, 2024

Automatic positioning of traffic management cameras on roadway incidents

Agency roadside cameras play a critical role in traffic incident management by helping dispatchers quickly identify the precise location of incidents when receiving reports from motorists with varying levels of spatial accuracy. During real-time incident dispatching, reducing the time it takes to identify the most relevant cameras and setting their view on the incident is an important opportunity to improve incident management dispatch times.
September 5, 2024

Yellow lights are inconsistent and chaotic. Here's why.

Researchers from Purdue's Joint Transportation Research Program (JTRP) and across the globe are employing data analytics, connected technologies and other innovations to help make intersections safer and more efficient.
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