Ask the Staff

drew.h.candebat.1 2013-04-02 10:54 AM
Training for Electrodeposition
Dear Staff,

Who is currently in charge of the maintenance and training for the electrodeposition and anodization equipment? The equipment information pages indicate a person who no longer works in Birck. I would like to discuss the growth of a material as well as receive training and permission to use the equipment.

Thank you.

aamer.mahmood.1 2013-04-02 01:16 PM
Electrdeposition and anodization
The system you mention is not part of the Scifres' recharge center. Jeremy Schroder used to run that recharge center. Eversince his departure, Bivas Saha ( has picked up a lot of responsibilities within that center regrading equipment and training. Please contact him for help.
Hope this helps.