Ask the Staff

sahil.m.bansal.1 2012-04-20 04:06 PM
CVD Systems

Do we have any Ultra High Vacuum CVD system at Birck (other than Prof.Capano's) or any Plasma Enhanced CVD System? In continuation with my previous thread on thin film Ge deposition, it seems like we need a CVD system for our purpose instead of the e-beam systems (like CHA).

Prof. Chen Yang in Chemistry has a CVD system that can deposit Ge but we've tried using it and it seems like it is not a UHV CVD system and is not the most ideal scenario for our work. She suggested that I should try to find out if Birck has a UHV or Plasma enhanced CVD system that we can talk about regarding thin film Ge deposition.

ronald.k.reger.1 2012-04-20 04:48 PM
CVD Systems
Hi Sahil,

We have a PECVD system (Axic) but it is not high vacuum and does not have Ge capability. Unfortunately there is no such capability within Birck. To add this would require the purchase of a new system and a high (expensive) degree of safety and monitoring as the gas Germane is very hazardous.

sahil.m.bansal.1 2012-04-22 11:07 PM

thank you for your reply. Do you think there is a possibility to modify the Axic to have an option of Germane with it? If not then i'll check if there are other systems on campus elsewhere.

ronald.k.reger.1 2012-04-23 11:27 AM
Hi Sahil,

The Axic would not be a candidate for Germane because it is not load-locked and therefore would not have the requisite safety systems for using this poisonous and pyrophoric gas. We don't have Germane in the building, so to get it piped to the cleanroom or labs would require a single run from the pyrophoric bunker at the extreme back of the building. We don't have a gas cabinet for this so one would need to be purchased at a cost of about $50K. The double-contained stainless tubing for the run would be close to another $50K, and as of now we don't have a process tool for the deposition. As you can see this would be a very expensive addition to Birck, and it would be several months to gain this capability.

Hopefully there are other options around campus that will be suitable for your research. Or perhaps another facility at a different campus?

Good luck,