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naresh.k.emani.1 2012-02-26 05:01 PM
VEP Pattern file on VB6 machine
I have a aperiodic pattern which results in a large VEP file (~100's of MB). Currently the EMMA machine is not able to fetch this file because insufficient disk space. Can some data be cleared to accommodate my pattern file?

More importantly, is there any hardware related limitation on size on *.VEP file that VB6 machine can handle? This information will be useful to plan my design.


william.j.rowe.1 2012-02-27 05:02 PM
Disk Space
Hi Naresh,

This morning there were 353196 blocks available (or 723,345,408 bytes)on the VB6. I have deleted some old logs as well as some old pattern files. Right now there are 1,929,564 blocks (3,951,747,072 bytes)available for use. You should be able to run your pattern now.
The VAX/VMS has a limit of a 4GB pattern. On the Linux that we will be transitioning to the limit is 2 to the 64th power or 1.844674e +19 bytes. Pattern size should not ne a problem on the Linux. I hope that helps Naresh.
Best regards,


naresh.k.emani.1 2012-02-29 12:49 AM
Disk Space
william.j.rowe.1 wrote:
Hi Bill,

Thanks for your quick response. The information you provided was very helpful.

I have another question regarding the file fracturing process using CATS on Linux Machine. While fracturing a gds file, many times CATS reassigns memory space. However, when I recently tried fracturing a large pattern I got the following fatal error.

New allocate attempted to exceed memory limits
Peak rectangle allocation 8030 out of 100000
Peak trapezoid allocation 18255912 out of 100000
Peak explode allocation 19142860 out of 3000000
rxusage: peakvsz=2552.78MB peakrss=1696.79MB utime=173s stime=16s cnt=3
Output file deleted

The full log file is available on linux computer in my folder (sub-folder For_bill). Could you please let me know if you have any suggestions on how to get around this problem. I have already tried increasing number of trapezoids with ALLOCATE_TRAPS command.


P.S I have not recieved any notification that a response has been posted on this thread yesterday. It would be great if we can opt to follow a discussion thread via email.

william.j.rowe.1 2012-02-29 05:11 PM
Cats Memory Allocation
Hi Naresh, I have checked with CATS. There are 2 types of licenses availble for CATS. One basic license allows a maximum file size of one gigabyte. The second license allows an unlimited file size governed only by the amount of free disk space you have on your system. I believe you have seen the system respones where it keeps allocating more disk space until it evenually runs out of space or creates the pattern. There are probably pattern files on the system that can be deleted to free up more space. I believe we will be seeing finer resolution files and larger patterns with time. I will look into getting more memory for the system and cleaning up the disk. The new Linux System for the VB6 has available disk space of over 850 megabytes right now. It should be sometime before we fill it up but........many non-commercial systems are shipping with 1-2 terabytes of memory. I can also investigate adding more memory to it.
I checked the pattern we tried transferring to the VB6 last night. It looks like it finally did make it. I believe it is about 1.3 gigabytes. There is not much room left on that disk now.
Best Regards,

naresh.k.emani.1 2012-02-29 05:37 PM
Hi Bill,

Thanks for the information. I will try to use the large VEP file soon and then delete it.
