
Summit on Trusted Autonomy Research and Technology (START)

Group photo of attendees with Dr. Mung Chiang.

The Summit on Trusted Autonomy Research & Technology (START) event, held at Purdue, was meant to be a “start” toward building a community that would make such trusted human-autonomy teams a reality. Over 120 experts from Purdue and other top institutions around the U.S., the DoD, research labs, government agencies, and commercialization sectors defined appropriate notions and baseline attributes for operational trusted autonomy, identified end-state goals, characterized current state-of-the-art, and shaped requirements for future investments. START also identified effective strategies for transitioning ideas from the lab into practice through commercialization and workforce development. Read more in university news.

Professional M.S. Degrees in Robotics, Autonomy and IoT

Four pictures arranged together show the inside of vehicles and roads with objects around them targeted with square frames.

M.S. in Autonomy

The Professional M.S. Degree in Autonomy focuses on the area of analysis, control and design of autonomous systems spanning a variety of application domains. The courses in this new major will establish fundamental theories and tools for modeling, analyzing and developing algorithms to achieve autonomy of both individual systems and a network of interconnected systems. It spans core topics such as control theories, machine learning, artificial intelligence, networks, as well as advanced courses in emerging topics.

Collage of four images showing a city, a laptop, a woman in a kitchen, and an illustration of a network.

M.S. in Internet of Things (IoT)

The Professional M.S. Degree in IoT focuses on the area of analysis and design of internet-of-things such as a system of interrelated computer devices, mechanical and digital machines, sensors and so on that connect and exchange data over the internet or other communication networks. This area spans a variety of application domains. The courses in this major will establish fundamental theories and tools in computing, sensors, embedded systems, chip design, wireless communications.

Collage of four images showing robots and people observing and working with them.

M.S. in Robotics

The new Engineering Major in Robotics focuses on the area of analysis, control and design of robots spanning a variety of application domains. The courses in this new major will establish fundamental theories and tools for modeling, analyzing and developing techniques in robotics. It spans core topics such as control theories, machine learning, artificial intelligence, networks, as well as advanced courses in emerging topics such as robotics, manipulators, and human-robot teaming etc.

Threat and Situational Understanding with Networked-Online Machine Intelligence (TSUNOMI)

Photo of ship at sea.

The Threat and Situational Understanding with Networked-Online Machine Intelligence (TSUNOMI) project receives $13M in total with congressional aid to the team of researchers from Saab and Purdue ICON. The project will develop an explainable machine learning framework with multimodal automatic target recognition and sensor resource management for early warning and situational awareness from surface vessels equipped with an automated verification and validation machine learning pipeline, and seeks to formulate effective techniques and algorithms to blend information from multiple sensors, such as cameras and radar, that have been deployed in an area to accurately identify objects that might enter that area.